KEVICC Prospectus King Edward VI Community College Prospectus

These are really exciting times to be at KEVICC. We are determined not only to be outstanding in all we do, but also to develop a unique co operative identity that makes being part of the College an engaging and challenging experience for all our students. Welcome to KEVICC. This is a very special place to learn. Our students are a fantastic mix of personalities, and we value each and every one of them. Our staff are committed to making a real difference to our students' lives, and go that extra mile to make this happen. And our community is richly diverse, encompassing not just Totnes itself, but the wonderful countryside that surrounds it. We are rightly pleased with, but not fulfilled by, our judgement as a good school. We aspire to be consistently outstanding in all that we do. We want staff and students to be creative in their approaches to learning. And we want to harness the potential of our community to develop a truly unique school, with strong values that prepare children to be happy and successful adults. This prospectus gives you a taste of what we do. However, it is no substitute for coming to see for yourself. I look forward to meeting you and showing you what a wonderful place this is to learn. Alan Salt Principal

We believe our students must feel they belong to the College if we are to foster their growth and achievement. We accept our students are children and young adults who are still developing and who will make mistakes. We believe in educating the whole child, balancing high standards of academic achievement with personal development, character and habits of learning. We believe education is a shared responsibility, and that we achieve the best outcomes for our students by working together. We are a comprehensive College of lifelong learners. Our guiding principles are: our values We are a comprehensive College of lifelong learners. We are inclusive, kind and committed to the best for our students, supporting them to flourish. We are becoming a UN Rights Respecting School, and as such we strive to be a community that cherishes individuality, nurtures relationships and values voice.

committed to the best Our principles and values promote learning together, and we know that great relationships between students, staff and their families help our students to achieve their very best. We also value equally the non-academic achievements our students make, whether these are through extra-curricular activities or sports, or in how they treat each other and develop as individuals. Our commitment to the best means we place emphasis on all our staff continuing to learn and develop no matter their role in school; we use our position in our school trust, Education South West, and our membership of the South West Insititue for Teaching to help us do this. We are restless and relentless in our determination to provide the best experience for our students. Our performance at GCSE and A Level is consistently at or above national averages. 'Leaders are relentless in their pursuit for better outcomes for pupils.' Ofsted

we are comprehensive Being a comprehensive school means we maintain a broad and ambitious curriculum, because we know all our young people have their particular strengths, and all of themdeserve the chance to learn that is as flexible and personal as it can be. We want to ensure that every student - regardless of their academic starting point - has a curriculum on offer that encourages them to engage with their studies, be motivated and achieve their full potential. Students will acquire skills and knowledge from a range of subject areas which are transferable across all areas of their learning. Our curriculum: • is responsive to the National Context • ensures progression to and from each Key Stage • provides support and challenge • provides relevant skills and knowledge for FE, HE and the world of work • includes a rounded programme of experiences that help to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development We accept students regardless of background or prior learning. This gives a unique mix of young people that reflects our community. We warmly welcome young people with SEND, who are an integral part of our College and community. 'Teachers have high expectations of students and plan an interesting range of tasks that meet the needs of the various groups of students.' Ofsted

We are determined to ensure the education and development of the whole person. We support our students to strive to be valued, contributing members of our College community with the desire to achieve the best for themselves and the wider society they live within. • Every student has a form tutor and meets with them each day. • This approach enables us to keep our form groups small, typically 18 students in each group. • This helps our students to develop socially and supports staff in guiding and mentoring them. Each form group is part of one of our four Year 7 to 11 Houses. We have a very strong pastoral team including counsellors who support students and their families. we are inclusive We have found it really fun here. KEVICC is a lot bigger than Harbertonford, we enjoy the size of the site and the fact that we learn something different in each lesson. It is a really friendly school, we have already made new friends who came from other schools. Reuben & Charlie from Harbertonford Primary Every student and their family meets subject teachers for individual consultations at subject teacher evenings throughout the year, as well as being able to communicate by regular email and messaging.

We believe in being kind to each other. This helps create a safe and welcoming school environment where issues are picked up and dealt with quickly. Our staff are highly visible during the school day, at break and lunch time, and before and after the school day. We are fully committed to supporting positive mental health in our students and staff, so you will see staff checking in and asking young people how they are and greeting them throughout the school day. Our extensive PSHE and assembly programmes promote our culture of Ready, Respectful, Safe. we are kind The Value of Reading All learning starts with reading. Our tutors read to our students daily for twenty minutes. Our KEVICC Reading Canon promotes important literary texts and our daily Drop & Read programme runs in Years 7 and 8. We believe strongly in nurturing a lifelong love of reading. I haven’t found the move from primary to secondary scary at all. I was worried that I might get lost at times, but this hasn’t been the case at all. The students are all very friendly, even the older ones! Arcadia from Dartington

College life is full of opportunities. We encourage all students to get fully involved. Our Enrichment Fair in September is the perfect entry to our rich and colourful community. The range of clubs on offer to our students at lunch and after school is broad and encompassing. Here at college there are clubs every lunchtime and after school. We are lucky to be supported by a charitable trust, the Foundation Governors, who support those students who need extra finanical help to access enrichment opportunities; for example, funding half of visit costs for all students in receipt of free school meals. our enrichment Examples of extra-curricular clubs include: Computer Club, MFL Club, STEM Club, Photography Club, KEVICC Percussion Group, Creative Writing Club, KEVICC Band, Art Club, Streets n Beats DJ Club, Chess Club, Dance, Theatre Tech Club, Ukulele Club, Leaky Cauldron Club, Parkour, Debating Club, Rock Bands Rehearsal, Jamming Station Choir, Gym, Indoor Football, Netball, This Girl Can Club & Sports Leaders. We are very proud of our Alumni. Students who have been part of our community are: artist Jimmy Cauty, Joe Mount from Metronomy, broadcaster and journalist Mary Nightingale, musician Ben Howard, actress Agnes O'Casey and footballer Kieffer Moore, to name but a few...

working with us At KEVICCwe know the importance of workinghand inhandwith our students’ families. We know that you know your children better than anyone. We are fully committed to being available and as accessible as possible to answer your questions. All parents and carers at KEVICC have: • The contact details of their young person's teachers and tutor via our online app Class Charts. • A commitment that we always get back to you as soon as we can when you contact us. • Direct contact to the Principal by email and regular Q&A sessions. We know and recognise the importance of our students developing as independent learners, and the completion of home learning forms an important part of making sure our students achieve their potential. We are committed to parents and carers being up to date with their child's progress in College because of the positive impact College and families working together has on students' progress. Students and parents will have access to our Class Charts app. This will help you and your child to: • Plan their work • Manage their time • Be organised • Grow independence

We understand how important the transition from primary to secondary is for our students and their parents and carers. It can feel like a big step. As a community we help ensure your start with us is a really positive and happy one. We understand too the need to build on students’ prior learning and experience at primary school. Our ambitious Year 7 curriculum is designed to build upon Key Stage 2 learning from the very start. Our transition staff visit primary schools to meet students and teachers and talk about individual needs. Induction days in July are a further opportunity to become familiar with our extensive site and are popular with Year 6 students. They are an important opportunity to meet other new students who will also be starting KEVICC in September. And then there's our Year 7 residential... starting with us Meeting and welcoming our new Year 7 community into our college is always a real pleasure for us all. In September, every year, we go out of our way to make our new, youngest members feel welcomed, at home and happy in their new school. Alan Salt, Principal

Kennicott 6th Form kennicott Many Year 11 students progress into the KEVICC Sixth Form which is called Kennicott, after the Victorian mansion which lies at its heart. • It is one of the most consistently successful sixth form providers in Devon with both progress and attainment above national averages. • It has strong examination results, myriad extracurricular activities and a caring atmosphere, all of which combine to make it a centre of excellence. • Kennicott offers a wide range of courses and further information on courses and our Kennicott prospectus is available on the KEVICC website, including a full course booklet. Kennicott has a lovely atmosphere. I felt very supported and listened to. My teachers are wonderful and I’ve really felt myself grow and mature under their guidance. Cosmo, former student

contacts Joining KEVICC All enquiries about the admissions process in Years 7 to 11 should be directed to : County Hall, Exeter, School Admissions t 0845 1551019 e We welcome visits from prospective students and their parents. Please contact : Reception t 01803 869200 for admissions to the sixth form please contact : Post 16 Admissions, Kennicott Sixth Form Centre t 01803 869210 King Edward VI Community College, also known as KEVICC, is situated on a large site in the historic Devon town of Totnes and has been a place of learning for over 450 years. The College enjoys a favoured site in the Dart Valley amidst rolling South Hams countryside. As part of The Dart Valley Learning Trust, KEVICC serves the people of Totnes and those in the surrounding villages within a beautiful, rural catchment area. KEVICC’s attractive and spacious campus is home to approx 1000 students of whom over 150 are at Kennicott, the sixth form centre. Further information is available on our website, including a list of key contacts at the College: Please see our website at Find us on YouTube, Twitter & Instagram or ring 01803 869200 for details of our weekly tours with the Principal, or to arrange a personal appointment Further information is available on our website, including a list of key contacts at the College Find us on YouTube, Twitter & Instagram KEVICC address is : Ashburton Road, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5JX t 01803 869200 f 01803 869201