Courier Autumn

I have been really pleased with year 7 and their attitude towards learning dance at KEVICC. In the photos you can see Ethan Glasser, Joseph Hall, Samuel Heath and Finley Atkins performing their Obstacles Scheme of work and using all the dance skills taught in their lessons. We certainly have some talented year 7 students! Well done everyone in year 7 for your first half term at KEVICC. I look forward to seeing more successful performances. Mrs McInally Dance The Dance Achievement Cup was awarded to Charlie-Rose Button for 2020. Charlie-Rose has been a dance enthusiast throughout KEVICC who openly expresses her passion for Dance and the Performing Arts. As her Dance Teacher it has been a true delight to see her mature, develop and flourish into an Artist. She always uses her existing dance knowledge combined with new ways of working to break boundaries and create innovative dance pieces. This was highlighted in her GCSE Dance course, extra -curricular opportunities and the most recent one where she played Belle in Beauty and The Beast. Charlie-Rose always has a vision and makes a way of maximising opportunities to better herself and achieve her highest at all times. I am sorry we didn't have an opportunity to showcase your talents in SPRUNG this year and award you with the cup but we are lucky that you have remained at Kennicott so we can still enjoy your journey and artist flair on the Level 3 Performing Arts BTEC Course. Well done. Mrs McInally. Dance Achievement Cup Brilliant Year 7 Pieces Page 22