Courier Autumn

Page 26 Year 7 Science Year 7 Cell Models One of the first topics in Year 7 science is all about cells. Those tiny units that we are all made from…. about 30,000,000,000,000 of them in an adult human! Top left: Benoit Walton Owens ; top right: Beau Hawksworth ; Left: Cells by Betty Compton, Lilly Luck, Eva Darvid, Jack Quinn, Bella Cutcliffe and Henry Gibbs. Brilliant efforts everyone! Tutor Shout Out Tutor group S7A has had a wonderful start to the year that can be proved with the amount of praise points we have earned as a class! As a proud tutor, I can say I am really impressed with the work and effort of every member of my tutor group! They have been wonderful in all their lessons and they have made the most of the first half term back to school! We have also been very lucky to celebrate a few birthdays within the group which have been the perfect excuse to have breakfast together. As part of our time together, we have also started a series of THEME QUIZZES. Every couple of weeks a member of the tutor group prepares a quiz on their area of interest and presents it to the group. The week before October half term Henry started the series with a Halloween theme quiz. We really enjoyed it and we thought the questions were great. Special mention to Henry's effort in dressing for the occasion! A proud tutor - Miss Fernandez