Courier Autumn

Page 29 Our Governors' Vision Our Vision for KEVICC A key responsibility of the Governing Board of the college is ensuring that there is a clear vision to guide strategic and management decisions. A couple of years ago, the Board agreed a brief statement that captures what we think is important about the school, and what we value; our ethos. A comprehensive college of lifelong learners. We are inclusive , kind and committed to the best for our students, supporting them to flourish. I hope you have noticed these words on many college documents and publications. As a Governor, I keep these ideas in mind during discussions and decisions. Our strategic direction flows from this simple ethos. What does this mean in practical terms? What are we trying to achieve? Our strategic objectives for the next few years can be summarised in these three intentions. 1. KEVICC will be the school of choice in Totnes. 2. We will invest in first class facilities . 3. The education we provide will be excellent and always improving . School of Choice ‘Comprehensive’ and ‘inclusive’ are key words in the ethos. Totnes is a vibrant community, well-known for its creativity and community-spirit. We believe that KEVICC should meet all the needs of all its young people. Our intention is to make it unusual for students from our catchment to travel out of our catchment area. OFSTED’s recognition that we are a good school last year was welcome confirmation that we are on the right track. We will continue to build from this solid foundation. First Class Facilities We must accept that many of our buildings are showing their age. To achieve our objectives we need better classrooms, better equipped. The recent improvements to our Science labs demonstrate the impact that improved facilities can have. We are actively reviewing the college’s estate and identifying ways that we can optimise its use to help our students to flourish. Words by Jim Lodge Our Chair of Governors Jim currently teaches in Exeter and has previously worked in management consultancy and for the British Council in London and Tanzania. Excellent & Improving Provision The staff have a great deal to be proud of. Our students are achieving better results each year. These statistics back up OFSTED’s judgement of the school, and the trend in recent years has been positive on all measures. The Governing Board are even more proud of the restless and relentless drive to improve demonstrated by the staff and their leadership. We will continue to encourage, indeed to demand, this appetite for improvement. This is an exciting time for KEVICC. We have sound foundations and a determination to build on them. The Governing Board and the college leadership are committed to cementing KEVICC’s position as #theschoolofchoicefortotnes. You can find out more about the governors and the governance of the college in general through the College website: Home> About Us>Governors Photograph by Kirsty Matthews @KirstyM11681748