Courier Autumn

P.E. Page 30 This half term our indoor groups are challenging themselves with Basketball. Year 9 are focusing on effective attacking and defending strategies to outwit opponents. They have been refining their lay up skills to ensure consistency when in and around the basket. Year 9 Basketball This term we started to develop a newly formed Year 9 Rugby team. This has only been possible due to the fantastic support from Scott Atkins, Ben Cole and Phil Atkins from Totnes and Paignton Rugby club who are supporting the boys in their development with specialist information at rubgy club. A wonderful group of young men who have demonstrated fantastic commitment and are looking forward to the rugby season hopefully picking up after Christmas. Year 10 GCSE PE Our Year 10 GCSE PE class have finished their recent topic of ‘the body in action’ where they were exploring the movement of the skeleton and muscles to understand how we move to perform sporting actions. They have recently moved on to sporting participation and trying to understandwhy different social groups participate in Sport and Physical Activity differently. It gave our students a fantastic opportunity to reflect and be thankful for lots of support they receive outside of school to be active in their own time. Above: Year 9 boys baskethall in Redworth Sports Hall Year 9 Rugby