Courier Summer 2021

Page 10 KEVICC Reading Challenge Earlier in the year Redworth library launched its very own Reading Challenge and it has been incredibly popular. The challenge involved reading a diverse range of books (including the books from our own KEVICC Canon) and reflecting upon their reading through written or creative tasks. An example of some of the tasks involved designing a bookmark, redesigning the front cover of a canon book and becoming an Accelerated Reader Millionaire. Several students have already completed the Reading Challenge and demonstrated their enthusiasm for books. They then had the option of becoming a Student Librarian ( Sol Turner , Finley Hewitt, Sanchia Gainsborough, Bailey Gill, Remy Skedgell and Stella Chambers ). The Reading Challenge will continue to the end of the school year and then will be relaunched in September! Below are a couple of short reviews of some of our Canon books. Mr Stink by David Walliams This book is written by David Walliams; an English comedian but also an author of children’s books. The book is about a man called Mr Stink and how he sticks up for Chloe, a young girl who meets Mr Stink on a bench. Chloe gave loads of kind offers, one being to live in her house with her family. My favourite part of the book is when Chloe smuggled Mr Stink into her garden shed. It’s my favourite because it’s a kind offer but also because Chloe’s mumwants homeless people off the streets, like Mr Stink. I would recommend children between the ages of 8 to 14 should read Mr Stink plus all of David Walliams' other books. The book could be improved by adding more pictures to the pages. If I had to give this book a star rating, I would give a 9 out of 10. Because it’s a great book but most of the story could be improved some more. I think David Walliams is quite a caring person as he wrote about Chloe being kind, caring and thoughtful towards Mr Stink. I plan on reading more of David Walliams’ books such as Ice Monster and The Demon Dentist. I hope you like my book review. Wonder by RJ Palacio I love this book because it encourages lots of people like me to never give up and keep going through the toughest of times. Even if the character Auggie was born with facial deformities, his mum never gave up on his education and wants Auggie to have the quality of life that everyone deserves! Bailey Gill Year 8 Abi Morris Year 7 Remy & Bailey Fin