Courier Summer 2021

Page 12 Dylan Pegg University of Exeter I thoroughly enjoyed my time studying at Kennicott; it was a productive learning environment and the teachers of my chosen subjects were very supportive in helping me to produce my very best work. I studied A-Level Geography , Sociology and Product Design . Having been interested in nature - particularly the ocean - since a very young age I was naturally drawn to Geography and this is the subject I have chosen to pursue at University. I will be starting a Geography Degree at The University of Exeter in Penryn, Falmouth this coming September. My career aspiration is to work in ocean conservation and management as this is becoming a critical factor in our fight against climate change and is also something I feel very passionate about. I am incredibly thankful for the support of the Mary Lidstone Trust whose funding will make university more manageable for me and will more importantly allow me to attend the fieldwork trips which form such a vital part of my degree. Since leaving Kennicott in 2019 I have been travelling, surfing and working as an RNLI Lifeguard on our local beaches where we are preparing for our busiest summer on record! Above : Dylan has spent the years between A Level and university working with the RNLI on beaches like Bantham Empowering Our Students Here & Beyond Above : Winter storm on the Avon Estuary, below Bigbury- On-Sea. Above : Whilst studying at Kennicott, Dylan would often find time to surf during his 'free periods'. To find out more about the Mary Lidstone Trust and how they can support you through your time in education beyond Kennicott, then go to our website and click on the Sixth Form tab, then the Mary Lidstone Trust link. All application information and forms are available here Deadline for applications is the 31st March , each year. Lastly, we wish Laurie, Jasmine, Dylan and all those who are being supported through Mary Lidstone Trust, a very successful and happy first year at university. The Mary Lidstone Trust