Courier Summer 2021

Page 16 Performing Arts Lockdown Streaming 2021 Lockdown did nothing to prevent our brilliant Performing Arts team from showcasing the amazing talent our students have. Here’s a selection of some of the events we streamed these past months. Oliver Bryne-Milner Recital William Gardner-Jenkins Recital Molly Dorey, Cecile Belcher, Oliver Bryne-Milner, Matthew Angell, Kea Waites, Amala Dorling-Prag, Jasmine Thomas, Jessamine Whitfield- Dare, Lizzy O’Callaghan Cast of Peter Pan live streamed to local primaries Dion Glasser, Kazuma Davies, Ethan Frost, JJ Blackshaw-Hicks Music concert Daniel Eytle, Josh Glanfield, Joseph Eaton, Jayden Small, Finley Chudley Music concert Peter Pan flying... Lola Mason & Kadie O'Rourke concert Amala Dorling-Prag, Kea Waite, Oliver Bryne-Milner Peter Pan