Courier Summer 2021

MFL MFL Revision Fond MFL Farewells to Year 11 & 13 Page 19 I wish all my cheeky-naughty year 11Spanish students all the best. It has been a real pleasure to teach them over the past few years and I will miss every single one of them. I have to admit this has not always been an easy task as they have made sure I was also stretched and challenged as a teacher. Ihavevery fondmemoriesof theentiregroup, particularly our trip to Seville. I will always remember Felix being my personal assistant for one whole afternoon after being caught out driving an electric scooter. Cian, Felix and Odin being told off every day for arriving later to their Spanish lessons. Maya, Aaliyah and Ella enjoying their shopping time. Tilly and Amy walking for miles and miles to make it to their host family flat on the other side of the river and Dan and Joe enjoying Spanish food and beating their Spanish mater to a basketball match. Muchas gracias to everybody in the class. It has been a real pleasure to be your Spanish teacher! Adiós y buena suerte! Mrs Law and Miss Fernandez would like to thank their year 13 Spanish students for working extremely hard during the past 2 years. Students have shown excellent commitment to learning and have worked all the way through the different lockdowns being able to achieve very positive outcomes. We wish them all the best and we look forward to hearing about their future successes. MFL Monday Club Year 7 students have been attending our MFL Mondays lunch club over the summer term. We've been exploring the life and work of Frida Kahlo and have had some great discussions, as well as making progress on our collective jigsaw and personal colouring projects. It's proven to be a lovely way to relax over lunchtime and enjoy different music in French and Spanish - current favourites include Pomme , Christine and the Queens, Coeur de Pirate, and plenty of Reggaeton ! Below: We have been so impressed with the focus and dedication of our Year 10 students. Revision sessions have proved very popular indeed.