Courier Summer 2021

The Staffroom The Japandroids are a band for the Summer; their second album Celebration Rock is an absolute belter. Every track’s an anthem, every second precious. This is breathless music to be played with the windows down, the sun out, on the way to the beach... Perhaps the most vital track is The House that Heaven Built . A 5 minute blast of punk-rock ferocity, free-wheeling abandon and life-affirming honesty. The sound is raw, pulsating and huge. Its even more impressive when you consider its coming from just two guys: Brian King (guitar, vocals) and Dave Prowse (drums, vocals). When I caught them live in Bristol, way back when, I couldn't hear for days afterwards... My second recommendation is an absolute classic; a vinyl passed down to me by my mum and one I've adored ever since: Otis Blue by the totemic Otis Redding . Recorded in 1965, the sound still blisters and is, for me, one of the greatest RnB albums of all time. Listening to You Don't Miss Your Water , with a beer, in the garden, on an early Summer's evening - must be one of life's finest pleasures. My third and final recommendation comes from my all-time favourite artists: Bon Iver . Whilst its not my favourite record of theirs (that's the wintery Blood Bank EP), i,i is considered by Justin Vernon as a 'Summer album'. Loads of collaborators work together (James Blake, Moses Sumney, BJ Burton) to create a breezy slice of rock-pop perfection. Hey Ma is like hearing one of your favourite songs, from one of your past lives, for the first time in your life... or something like that. My Favourite Summer Albums by Mr Cotton Praise from home Some highlights of the praise we've received from parents and carers through our social media platforms. Page 21 #TheSchoolForTotnes Instagram @kevicc.totnes