Courier Summer 2021

The New House It was my first night at my new house. I was alone, lying on the wooden floor - my stuff hadn't arrived yet. I had an ominous feeling about this place. I slowly got up and crept down to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. The floorboards creaked under me. As I ran the tap, I felt breathing on the back of my neck. I froze. I was the only one here. I turned. My blood ran cold. Nobody was there. What was it..? The Call People think the dead can’t talk, but what happens if the dead aren’t really dead. My best friend Laura brown had been dead for six months. Her body was never found and the murderer never arrested. There was a big court gathering but nothing was resolved. I still go through any old memories and photos of her to see if I can find the murderer but I’ve had no luck. If the dead can’t talk, tell me why I got a call from my best friend yesterday at 5:06 telling me to meet at our secret spot…? Wanted A Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. This is a simple phrasemeaning I ama runaway with a poison dart. There is no time to explain. The only thing you need to know is I will never be found. I spend my evenings moving from house to house hoping no one is home and my life depends on my aim. I have spent my whole life practicing, the only thing that makes me wake up in the morning is knowing that one day I will get her back. “PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!” The President's Daughter Crash! a girl was dragged out of her car unconscious, blood streaming down her face. Some men hopped out of the car they had just used to hit hers and they injected her with a needle; the last thing she saw before she drifted off to sleep was an odd yet familiar logo on the wall. She woke in her bed at the president's mansion. She knew what she had to do. She walked to another room a gun cocked by her side. She aimed at the president. That was the last time she would ever see her father. Some wonderful pieces of creative writing below from Year 7, 8 and 9. All taken fromMs Avis' Creative Writing Club and have ended up being published. Photographs are from our end of year show 'Summer Open'. English Published Authors Keira Fleming Year 7 Tilly Brudenell Year 8 Poppy Bastin Year 8 Stella Chambers Year 9 Page 22 Photo by Ellen Snow Year 13 Photo by Rose Downs Year 11 Photo by Finn Henderson Year 13 Photo by Eva Scoville Year 11