Courier Summer 2021

Page 24 Design Technology Our 2021 Expo Focus We are so proud of our design students every year, but the young designers we work alongside daily here at KEVICC have shown resilience, comradery, and a shining brilliance, during the difficult last eighteen months. Students have worked for long periods at home adapting their skills to match those of modern remote design collaboration and practice in Product Design. GCSE and 'A' level groups this year were not required by exam boards to complete their final practical, but the desire and determination of many of our students meant that they often produced final prototypes or sophisticated developmental versions that proved ideas worked. Thisyearhashighlightedthe importance of good development and the design processes itself within the student population. The images shown illustrate the diversity of learning activities in Product Design. These include the 'Satsuma' lean manufacturing competition in Year 10, Year 9 design analysis and modelling, Year 11 and 13 prototype modelling and folio work, Year 10 exploration of Alexa housing, Year 7 lighting concepts inspired by Islamic pattern design and Year 13 Btec design flat pack concepts. Product Design always aims to improve people's lives and we are always keen to develop the curriculumfurther.We regularlyconsult students in informal course reviews and ask them to shape the provision of future years' experiences. We are always keen to develop partnerships with the local community and should you feel, you can contribute or work on projects with us, or donate materials, please feel free to contact David Irish (Raising Standards Leader for Design & Technology - Dirish@kingedwardvi.devon.sch . uk). David Irish