Courier Summer 2021

PE Year 8 Getting back into extra-curricular clubs has been exciting for us as a PE team, but this was even better! We did our first inter-school fixture in over a year taking a lovely group of Year 8 girls and boys to our local Athletics mini-league event. Travelling in the mini-bus felt a little surreal I must say! Our students didn't get to experience Athletics in year 7 due to the first lock down, so this was truly an achievement for all of them. The team competed as individuals in a range of track and field events, and we had some wonderful performances coming first in Relay 4x100m, 100m, 200m and High Jump. The students were a credit to our school and community; they were outstanding in so many ways. Well done to all who took part and look out for Sports Day! Sports Day 2021 Sports Day is coming to KEVICC! On Thursday 15 July we will be holding our annual sports day event and it is shaping up to be a great competition. This year's Sports Day will be the final house competition event of the past two years as we have added together the points from the house Football and Netball matches conducted in Autumn 2019 and the online house competition that we ran in Spring 2021 with various at-home challenges. The current situation has the reigning champions Scott house out in front with Davis hot on their heels and then Babbage in third and Gyles currently in last place, but all is still to play for. Over the past five years we have seen each house take the crown, so it is a tight competition. The house that wins the most points from both Sports Day and the house matches over the past two years, will be crowned the 2021 Sports winning house and have their house name engraved on the house shield. Scott won in 2019. Davis were winners in 2018, Babbage won 2016 and Gyles won in 2017. There is also the opportunity for individual athletes to break some of our records and have their names immortalised on our Sports Day trophies, which have a rich history of competition here at KEVICC. Some of our records have stood for a long time and most are pretty impressive performances that we have had the pleasure of witnessing over the years. We also have the Anchor Cup, which is our endeavour cup and in loving memory of ex-student Tom Perrin. It is awarded to students who are role models in our subject, who inspire others by overcoming challenges to persevere and are supportive of their peers. Sports Day is a momentous and wonderful event, and we look forward to as many of our students taking part as possible on the day. Good luck to all the competitors, remember you get house points for every event you compete in! Here are some photos from past Sports Day events to get you in the mood! Carly Perring Page 28