Courier Summer 2021

PE Kennicott PE Since we have been allowed to return to extra-curricular activities, the sixth form students have been taking advantage of every opportunity to engage in physical activity and play some sport. These opportunities are open to all sixth form students whether they are studying Sport and PE or not, and it has been a pleasure to see so many of them get involved. We keep a selection of sports equipment in the PE room at Kennicott which is borrowed by students at their leisure to enjoy sport on Kennicott Lawn and on Kennicott field, and they have a range of sixth form clubs and opportunities to get involved in sport and physical activity using our main school site facilities as well. Students have enjoyed Badminton, Rounders, Athletics and using our Fitness suite after school and during their own time they have played outdoor Volleyball, played a pitch and putt version of Golf, enjoyed playing with a Football, Frisbee and Nerfs to name a few. Sport and physical activity are so important to help lead a balanced and healthy life, so it is great to see so many of our young adults engaging with these opportunities. Carly Perring Kasey Collings' Photography Page 30