Courier Summer 2021

Staff Distance Challenge Staff reach over 3000km! Over the past of 8 weeks, KEVICC staff were challenged to walk, run, swim or cycle as far as they could, with their individual distances added together to give a college total. There was a monumental effort from some superhuman staff members and, in one of the busiest terms in recent memory, staff amassed a massive 3,144.23km! From KEVICC, as the crow flies, this covered the majority of Europe, it takes us north into Greenland , as far south as Mali and Algeria , and just 400km from Canada (see opposite!) Tremendous effort from all involved – Mr Quick is very proud and will be handing out some awards very soon! Below are some photos capturing our staff in- action (honestly)! Sam Quick Above : Mr Salt smashing a swim to the Canary Islands. Above : Mr Chilton enjoying a scenic Roman run! Above : Dr Yates biking into Berlin Above : Mrs Withers bossing it in Barcelona Page 32