Courier Summer 2021

Page 5 Fond Farewells Ms Vickery's Message Some of you will be reading this and will be ready to leave KEVICC behind and take the next step to adulthood. Others will wish that time could stand still so they did not have to make new friends and just cherish the memories they have here. Whether you fall in one of these categories or maybe somewhere in between, I hope you all go on remembering what it is like to be part of a wonderful year group who accepted each other for who they were. Mr Salt's Message What you won’t forget over time, and there will be a lot of time to come, is how you felt at moments during your time here at KEVICC. Some of them will be your happiest memories. They may survive through the coming years to be amongst the best times of your life. Treasure these, go back to them, pay them attention now and then, and you’ll find they keep you good company in times to come. Some of your memories will not be so happy. Don’t dwell on them, but don’t forget them either. They all add into who you are and who you will be. Everything you go through, good and bad, makes you stronger. Mr Trafford's Message One thing that has always amazed me about your year group is how genuine you are. There are no falsehoods here, only honesty, for better or worse. That is admirable. It is easy to go day in, day out being the person everyone thinks you should be, but to be the person you are - that takes courage. So, bravo. Truly. With all honesty and love, I can safely say you have been the best year group I have had the pleasure of meeting. Laugh hard, run fast, be kind. A reminder that all these messages and more can be found in our Year 11 Yearbook , available from the College.