Courier Summer 2021

Page 7 KEVICC has a wonderful school community and the PA exists to support the school and its staff and students. It was wonderful to get such positive feedback from our recent PA survey, we had over 200 responses. The survey captured the enthusiasm for the work of the PA and helps us direct our fundraising efforts. Following the survey endorsement of Better Breaktimes we are indiscussion with the school about playground equipment, shelters and benches. New footballs, netballs and other playground equipment should be arriving soon. We all know how important recreation and play are for our young people after such a challenging time, and we are very happy the PA can support this. We have now singed up for EasyFundraising. This is a free platform that can make a small donation to us when you shop online – at no cost to you. As we are all shopping more online these days it is a very simple, no hassle way to earn funds. Please see keviccpa/ to sign up. Many thanks in advance for your support! Lastly, look out for us at the Performing Arts summer events. We will be running a bar (volunteers at the ready!) to raise funds and would love to meet new parents and carers. Come and say hello! Our Wonderful Parents Association Our Governors Summer is just around the corner - she says as yet another storm blows through - and I’m so looking forward to a few beach days! This long winter of lockdowns and enforced retreat from our usual routine and patterns has given me new appreciation and appetite for the life I want to lead. I am loving re-discovering how much I enjoy and value those things that I haven’t been able to do for a while. Most of all, I’m loving hanging out with the people I have missed so much and getting out and about in this fantastic town - fingers crossed that things are on the up. Homeschooling in lockdown was really tough for everyone. So, it’s great to see all our young people back in school and bubbles easing. As a very new school Governor at KEVICC I have already been really impressed by the school; the committed teachers that go above and beyond, the students' resilience and how both cohorts have coped with lockdown after lockdown and are now readjusting to full time, in person school again. There are also some huge challenges that we are facing including the condition of many of our teaching and learning spaces - sadly for the school buildings (and me!) time did not stand still during lockdown. Wouldn’t it be great if the money tree that the government found to pay for Covid could start providing much needed funding for other essential community services including education? Unfortunately, there is no money tree for our school and if we want a better facility, we will likely need to come together as a community and find creative, innovative solutions to support our students and enhance their learning experience. My family and I have lived in Totnes for many years, and I have witnessed many iterations of KEVICC, some good, some not so good. However, my experience right now is that the school is in safe yet ambitious hands, and I am confident that the school is on a path that will take it from strength to strength (our son is starting in September so we most certainly have some skin in the game!) I really look forward to being part of what comes next for KEVICC as we all realise the ambition of becoming THE school of choice for Totnes and ensuring that all of our young people are given the best learning opportunities as they begin their journey into adulthood. Words by Jo Cooke Jo joined the governing board this year as a co-opted governor. Her son starts with us in September. #TheSchoolForTotnes