Courier Summer 2021

Geography Fieldwork Page 8 Collecting data on Slapton Line Above : Measuring cross profile characteristics allowed students to compare levels of erosion and acretion. In May our Year 12 students spent two beautifully sunny days down on Slapton Line collecting data for their non- examined assessments. As part of their A Level students are required to plan, conduct and then analyse primary data collection methods. Some of our Year 12 cohort chose the following areas to focus on: • Infiltration and hydraulic conductivity along the line • Areas of erosion and acretion along the line • Variations in beach cross sectional area and concavity • Spatial changes in coarse sediment along the line • The degree of littoral drift in Start Bay The two days were focused on collecting primary data, using methods entirely planned by the students themselves. Above : George investigated wave energy displacement and littoral drift along Slapton Line. Above : Much of the two days was spent measuring clast size, shape and roundness.