Courier Summer 2021

Page 9 Geography Fieldwork Analysing data on Slapton Line A clear negative correlation can be seen in the displacement data, with a sliding scale north to south of Slapton Line. This is reflected in the Spearmans Rank (Rs) coefficient. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of -0.696 is more than 0.654 indicating a statistical significance of more than 99.5%. Based on the numbers, there exists a significant negative correlation between location and wave energy, the wave energy at the south is roughly a quarter of the wave energy at the north end of the barrier beach. My findings do stand in contrast to some academic studies however, notably the University of Plymouth Coastal Processes Baseline (2017); SCOPAC Littoral Drift Study (2016) and Scott Wilson (2004). All highlight that wave energy is uniform along Slapton line with negligible difference between zones 0A and 10. Based on field investigations, Carr et al. (1982) concluded that a direct relationship could not be found between incident wave energy and change in beach height within the Start Bay. Oliver Simons The Spearmans value (Rs) for infiltration rate and location exceeds the 0.005/99.5% significance level (+/-0.794) which indicates there exists a significant linear progression in hydraulic conductivity. A reliable indicator of beach stability, more compact sediment and the presence of accreted sand to the north has reduced infiltration rates (indicating higher degree of stability). She et al (2007) state; ‘As the sand percentage increases, the hydraulic conductivity of the sediment mix reduces rapidly’. Callum Barber Above : Evie spent a good deal of her primary data collection time conducting beach profile analysis. A Spearmans rank correlation coefficient of -0.806 is more than the critical value for 10 degrees of freedom (0.794/0.005/99.5%) therefore I am able to agree with the hypothesis, based on Rs, there exists a significant negative correlation between location and CSA. Similarly, the Plymouth baseline study (2017) states a ‘number of erosional hot-spots have been identified’ within Start Bay. The most vulnerable sections are at the ‘south of Hallsands beach and at the south of Slapton Sands’ in front of Torcross village. Evie Bovey Above : Oliver devised his own method for measuring wave displacement. Above : Callum measured hydraulic conductivity - an indicator of barrier stability.