KEVICC Courier Winter 2022

Our Year 7 students have been producing some excellent writing in their English lessons with Ms Avis and Mr Dart. We've included a snapshot of some here... Page 11 English Year 7 Day 1 My eyes stinging and my ears ringing, I stood up fromwhere I had been lying on the beach. With a groan I took in my surroundings and saw that the plane wreck was still flaming, so I could not have been out for more than a few hours. I also saw that everyone had survived, and was in a similar state to my own. As I went around checking we were all ok I noticed that the majority were injured, although most merely had cuts and bruises. Day 2 We had found shelter underneath a small copse of palm trees. There were only a small number of us on the flight, twenty or so, so there was plenty of room. As we sat there, any attempt at speech was stifled by the crushing pressure of the events the previous day. I eventually gave up and headed out to explore the island. Day 3 The island was beautiful, in a way. It was covered in a lush green jungle and ringed by pure white sand that was littered with conch shells. As I explored the jungle, I saw that it was home to all manner of beautiful, dangerous and downright strange creatures and animals. Stranded by George Williams