KEVICC Courier Winter 2022

Page 6 Our Year 11 GCSE results place us amongst one of the best performing comprehensive colleges in the area. 82% of students achieved 9-4 in English, whilst 70% achieved 9-4 in Maths. The progress our students make is as good as any other college we know locally. Behind our excellent headline figures sit some very impressive and very happy success stories. These individual successes were the result of hard work, determination and relentless effort from both our students and staff. WillowBiggins achievedfive grade 9s in Science, Religious Studies, History and Geography and three 8 grades in English Language and Literature and Maths. Eben Cohen King's hard work culminated in three grade 9s in Science, Geography and Religious Studies alongside five grade 8s in Maths, History, English Literature and Language and Science. Emily Gainsborough achieved four grade 9s in Photography, Religious Studies, History and Geography. Jake Kendall achieved an impressive seven grade 9s in Spanish, Religious Studies, Maths, Geography, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Harry Matthews exceeded all expectations in nine grade 9s in Spanish, Religious Studies, Maths, English Literature and Language, Geography, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Hebe Pearson Link achieved a brilliant six grade 9s in Religious Studies, French, English Literature and Language, Chemistry and Art along with three grade 8s in Physics, Maths and Biology. Page 6 Brilliant Outcomes