KEVICC Courier Spring

Page 14 Oxford University Seminars MFL MFL Star Students The MFL department have been running star of the term where teachers nominate one or two students from each class to be celebrated each term. The stars are awarded with a hot chocolate , biscuits, certificates and badges. The stars are those that have been working hardest during that term. Students love the recognition as well as the hot chocolate and biscuits! 6th Form Mentors TheMFL Faculty has been lucky enough to have some excellent volunteers working as learning mentors so far this year in MFL. The KS5 students, who recently achieved top grades in GCSE MFL themselves and who are currently studying A Level MFL at Kennicott, have been working with Yr9-11 students in lessons. The younger students really enjoy the experience and support they gain from these role models and we would like to thank them for their involvement in the scheme. Year 11 Revision Sessions There has been very positive attendance to the MFL lunchtime club so far this year. This club is open to all students who study MFL and who would like some help with homework or who would like to further develop their languages skills. Lou and Jules Vigneron, 2 students who recently joined Kevicc from France, have kindly been coming along to practise speaking with our KS4 French students. This has been extremely beneficial and we have really enjoyed getting to know them and hear about their experiences, so thank you Lou and Jules! The MFL club/revision sessions run every Tuesday and Thursday in Room 26. We particularly welcome our GCSE and prospective GCSE students at these sessions (praise points will be rewarded for attendance!) Exeter College Stephanie Hayle from Exeter College came to speak to our students in February. The sessions were over- subscribed with a huge interest from our student body. Stephanie led mini lectures and outlined the routes into further education at a high tarrif university. Page 14