KEVICC Courier Spring

Page 31 YCMAD: Shoebox Appeal Working with the local charity ‘Totnes Connection Hub’ our students have again been involved in the Shoebox Appeal. Our Youth Can Make a Difference students have provided food, clothes and toys for homeless people, but also for families in need, and those in high poverty. Using our lovely Kennicott Library students decorated and personalised shoeboxes. Our Community Careers Fair Evening In January we invited a whole host of businesses, firms, industry representatives and further education providers into the college for our annual careers fair. Those in attendance included Boyce Hatton Solicitors, Leftbridge Design, BBG, Widening Access to Medicine, NHS, RAF, Exeter and Bicton College amongst others. Feedback on the evening was very positive, with one parent commenting: 'Congratulations on your fantastic Careers Fair last night! Both my son and I found it both informative and extremely beneficial regards making choices for his future. Thank you for going that extra mile, giving up your own time, and offering our children the very best opportunities at what is a very important time in their young lives'. Growing Acorns The acorn is an often used metaphor for things starting out small that grow into something big, and G5 tutor group have been both literal and symbolic with acorns over the autumn and winter. Helped and encouraged by their tutors, Mrs Hansford and Mr Walker, to have a positive impact on the climate crisis, members of the group spent a tutor session planting acorns in pots. They even gave them names (including some pretty weird ones, such as ‘Glenn’). The acorns have been up in the Kennicott vegetable garden over the winter, suffering the trials of equally oddly named storms (so Glenn and his friends have had to deal with the likes of Ciara and Dennis). When the acorns germinate and start to grow, the hope is that from these small beginnings with G5 we can create a tree nursery up in Kennicott gardens that other tutor groups can get involved with, planting different seeds too (celebrated biologist Alan Hartigan is keen that we diversify from just planting acorns!) and as a school we can do something significant for carbon capture and air quality.