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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Sports Celebration Evening

This year saw the sports award evening take a new form with 120 students from across all year groups taking part in a range of sporting activities. In previous years students have celebrate sporting success through sports personality. However, through discussion with students and listening to what they would like this years’ sports celebration evening evolved! This was an evening for all students who have contributed to PE both in and out of lessons to be rewarded for their hard work and dedication, with the thing that sports students love the most, physical activity!

The activities gave an opportunity for all students to ‘get active’ and enjoy some social sport with friends and like-minded others. The evening saw the students take part in bubble football, archery tag and make the very most of an opportunity to be competitive through an inflatable assault course. As always the student’s behaviour was exceptional and the friendships created through sporting participation will continue to support students through years to come. The excitement and joy was clear to see with students thoroughly enjoying their reward for all their hard work over the past 12 months. A big well done to all that were there! We look forward to next year and it being bigger and better than ever!

Daniel Gillard

Raising Standards Leader in Physical Education