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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Open Mornings - 8 & 9 October 2020

Open Morning Online arrangements.

Due to the ongoing restrictions with Covid-19, we have had to make the difficult decision not to run open days and evenings as normal this year. However, we still want you to see what a fantastic College we are, give you an insight into the college and our students, and hopefully help you to make a decision about the best place for your child's education in the future.  

Please click on the link below to see our College video, giving you an insight into what being a part of the KEVICC community would be like. We hope you enjoy watching it.

Because we know how important choosing a school is, we will also be running live sessions at the following times for you to find out more about the College:

Open Evening - Tuesday 29th September 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Open Mornings - Friday 2nd October, Thursday 8th October, and Friday 9th October 9:00 am - 10:30 am 

These sessions will have a live presentation from our Principal Alan Salt with an opportunity to ask any questions you might have. In addition to this, you will be able to book some time with Fay Crellen our Assistant Principal and SENDCO, if you have more specific questions about how your child's SEND needs can be meet by the college (these sessions will be approximately 10 mins). 

If you would like one of these sessions, please contact reception on 01803 869200 to request an appointment. Please let the staff know if you want to book a meeting with the Principal or the SENDCo. 

To join the live sessions, you will need to have access to google meet (you can normally access this by simply copying and pasting the relevant link below into your web browser) and use the below web links below to log in and participate. 

Open Evening: 29 September 2020

Google meet code - 

Open Morning: 2 October 2020

Google meet code -

Open Morning: 8 October 2020

Google meet code -

Open Morning: 9 October 2020

Google meet code -

Kind Regards

Fay Crellen

Assistant Principal