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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Student Experience

KennicottAt Kennicott we understand the importance of building on students’ prior learning and experience, as well as pointing them towards new opportunities and guiding them in new directions. Above all, we know how important it is that students receive informed guidance about their Study Programme in the Sixth Form, their future plans, and help to keep them on track.

  • we offer a comprehensive transition programme from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5. Whether you join us from KEVICC or from another school or college you will receive one-to-one advice and support to help you to choose courses that are right for you.

We want our students to love learning with us and to lay the foundations for future success.

At Kennicott, students join a caring community within which life changing relationships and challenging learning combine to create success.

  • every student joins a tutor group comprised of both KEVICC students and students from other schools and colleges;
  • such personalised tutorial support is pivotal in ensuring that every student’s academic success and personal well-being are cared for;
  • our experienced tutors are expertly placed to offer guidance when you join Kennicott, to keep you on track while you are here, and to advise you on how to make the most of your future beyond Kennicott;
  • your personal development is as important to us as your academic achievement; your future is as important to us as your present.