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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Key Stage 3


It is an exciting time for Key Stage 3 Maths. Developments in the curriculum are allowing us to teach exciting lessons, which inspire students to look at Maths from a different angle than they may have come across previously. The introduction of functional skills and an emphasis on problem solving within the GCSE course has meant that we are always working to give topics real world value whilst expecting students to work with a toolkit of mathematical skills in order to devise their own strategies for the solution.

How will I be assessed?  

Written tests will be performed, consisting of a calculator and non-calculator paper. Testing is rigorous throughout the year allowing a successful intervention programme to be implemented at the earliest possible time.

Key Stage 3 Mathematics Curriculum 

Year 7

Written tests will be performed, consisting of a calculator and non-calculator paper. Testing is rigorous throughout the year allowing a successful intervention programme to be implemented at the earliest possible time.

Year 8

Students follow a scheme of work which continues to develop their number, algebra, shape and data skills as well as mastering their critical thinking and problem solving abilities to prepare them effectively for their 3 year key stage 4 programme.

Year 8 students also have the opportunity to experience an introduction to programming and robotics using the LEGO mind storm kits and Raspberry Pi software.

Year 9

Year 9 starts the students on their 3 year GCSE journey.

The new AQA GCSE content is challenging and further reaching than the previous specification. The additional content requires students to make the transition into GSCE thinking, earlier, in order to achieve the in depth understanding needed to allow students’ to reach their aspirational target grades. 

Where could it lead? 

Post 14 - Mathematics: GCSE Level

Year 10 and 11 continues the students on their 3 year GCSE journey.

There is an extensive intervention programme for all Mathematics students.

TUTE, regular lunchtime maths café sessions and the hugely successful Sixth Form mentoring programme are some examples of how we maximise student potential and achieve above the national average year on year.

Post 16

Mathematics: Core Maths: Maths in Context

The Maths in Context qualification enables students to improve their knowledge of maths and understand how to apply it to real world situations. Students will build upon the work they have covered at GCSE and will support them in the other subjects they are studying in sixth form.  The Maths in Context course is about students doing meaningful mathematical problems to increase their confidence in using maths and to be better equipped for the mathematical demands of other courses, higher education, employment and life

The course is divided into four content areas; applications of statistics, probability, linear programming and sequences and growth.

Mathematics: Advanced Level

Mathematics is an exciting and challenging subject which can be studied for its own sake or to support a range of other subjects. Maths lies at the heart of all technological innovations of recent years and is highly valued by both universities and employers.

The course is divided into two parts: Pure and Applied.

Pure Maths is the study of algebra, trigonometry, geometry and calculus.

Applied Maths is the study of the way in which Maths is used in life.

Mathematics with Further Mathematics: Advanced Level

This course is equivalent to two A Levels. The course is designed for students who enjoy exploring the world of mathematics and who have a real passion for the subject. It is particularly useful for anyone considering a career in maths, engineering, electronics, economics or accountancy.

The course is divided into two parts: Pure and Applied

Pure Maths. In Further Maths this module consists of new ‘stand-alone’ topics such as matrices, complex numbers, graphs, further algebra and proof by induction.

Applied Maths. In Further Maths includes modules based around Statistics, Mechanics and Decision maths.

Enrichment Opportunities 

Maths challenges

All KS3 students are involved in the Junior Maths challenge with the top students from this competition then selected to compete nationally. GCSE Level students are given the opportunity to sit the Intermediate Maths challenge and Post 16 students also compete in the Senior maths challenge at both individual and team level.

Gifted and talented

In addition Gifted and Talented students are involved in numerous enrichment activities including Jaguar cars, Maths in football in conjunction with Plymouth university and the Junior Maths Olympiad.

Student Resources 

Personalised learning portal including Google classroom.

MyMaths subscriptions.

PiXL club members.

Revision applications, such as Gojimo, Kahoot and BBC Bitesize.

Corbett Maths online.

New and improved revision guides for GCSE and A – level.


Mr Keith Price


The new National Curriculum subject of Computing combines three components: computer science, information technology and digital literacy.  Together they cover learning how computers and computer systems work, how to design and write computer programs, how to create a range of digital content, as well as how to use technology safely and effectively.

How will I be assessed?  

Students will be assessed in each unit they study, based on clear criteria for success.  Achievement against these criteria will determine how students are progressing towards their projected outcomes.

Key Stage 3 Computing Curriculum 

Year 7 

Students will start year 7 learning how to use the college network, including their college email accounts, accessing local and cloud-based resources and using core applications. Students will then get an introduction to programming using Scratch and study how computers work, followed by a unit on the Internet and how it can be used effectively, safely, securely and responsibly. The year will finish with a more creative unit, designing and making graphics and animations for a real purpose.

Year 8

In year 8, students further develop their programming skills through Python, and also their understanding of how computers work. They will study spreadsheets, learning how to use these to collect and analyse data, and how to use computer technology safely, securely, responsibly and respectfully.  Finally students will also explore computer gaming by designing and creating their own computer game.

Year 9

In year 9 students will complete three units over the year, to extend and develop their knowledge and skills in how computers work and what they can be used for.  The first unit uses the features and functions of a modern Smartphone to consider computer hardware and software, network connections, cybersecurity, and storing of digital data.  The second unit enables students to develop their programming skills by creating a range of command line and graphic games, using Python, TKinter and Pygame.  The final unit enables students to create a range of digital products to support the sales and marketing of a new soft drink or snack bar brand.

Where Could It Lead? Post 14 

GCSE Computer Science

Where Could It Lead? Post 16 

A Level Computer Science


Mr J Hartridge