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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College


The outstanding level of pastoral care offered at King Edward VI Community College puts the student at the very heart of every decision made. Believing that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, each house is run by a highly skilled Head of House who understand, that every child is unique with individual needs, potential, limitations, circumstances, feelings, opportunities and expectations. We are very proud of our college and have dedicated staff who work very hard to secure the best quality chances for students to learn and grow in a fantastic environment.

The vertical structure within the houses means that students of all ages integrate with one another and older students can share their experiences and help and support the younger students.

Pastoral care at KEVICC is overseen by the Assistant Principal (Pastoral). However, on a day to day basis the form tutor is the student’s – and parents – first port of call. Form tutors listen, encourage and support whilst also expecting high standards. They empower young people to take responsibility for their own decisions and ensure that every individual is provided with the highest level of support.

Pastoral care at KEVICC is not something that happens when things go wrong; it happens every second of the day.

Relationships between our students and all of the house staff are warm and open; our staff believe in every young person and encourage a growth mind set – believing that everything is possible if you give it a go and work hard enough!