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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Performance (Exam and Assessment Results)

At KEVICC we are rightly proud of our continued high academic standards, and our exam results reflect the hard work of our students and staff to make sure all who leave here do so equipped to be successful and happy.

The DfE tables show how we have sustained above average performance during a time when changes to curricula and accountability measures have impacted results across the country. We remain determined to continuously improve outcomes for all our students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

DfE Performance Tables

To view the Department for Education Performance Table for KEVICC, please click here.


A Level Results Days Summer 2022

Our Sixth Form students who have sat exams in 2022 will be able to receive their results in-person on Thursday 18 August at Kennicott Sixth Form Centre from 9.00am to 11.00am. 

Results not collected will be posted home.  If you want to authorise someone else to collect or to have them emailed to you then the student must contact before results day to arrange this.


GCSE & Btec Results Days Summer 2022

Our Year 11 students who have sat exams in 2022 will be able to receive their results in-person on Thursday 25 August at Redworth Dining Room, KEVICC from 9.00am to 11.00am. 

Results not collected will be posted home.  If you want to authorise someone else to collect or to have them emailed to you then the student must contact before results day to arrange this.