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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Information for parents and visitors

King Edward VI Community College like all primary and secondary schools, receive additional Pupil Premium Grant funding from the government to support students. This Pupil Premium funding is ring fenced from the college’s main budget and schools have the freedom to allocate it in a way which best supports students to make good academic progress.

Children who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding satisfy one of the following categories:

  • They have free school meals or have done at some point during the last six years - £935 per pupil
  • They are a “Child in care”, and have been looked after by the Local Authority continuously or for more than one day - £1900
  • They have been adopted from care - £1900
  • They are children of Service Personnel (These students are no longer classified as Pupil Premium but do still qualify for £300 of funding each year)

These groups of students have been identified by the government for additional funding because research shows that nationally, many students in these categories perform less well academically than other similar students who do not fall into these groups.  This is certainly not the case for all students who are eligible for the Pupil Premium funding, however the additional money helps the college to further develop support to students and to close the gap in achievement.

Objectives of Spending the Pupil Premium Grant

Our key objective is to use the funds to raise the attainment of disadvantaged students and close the gap between them and their peers. We recognise that not all students who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and that not all students who are socially disadvantaged are registered for free school meals. We want every child to achieve their potential and to receive the support they need.

The Pupil Premium Strategy for this academic year is identified in the report below.

The college has a designated member of the Senior Leadership Team with strategic overview of this cohort of students, and the allocation of funding to areas which will have the greatest impact on their progress and well-being. Research by the Sutton Trust has informed the strategies and interventions used at classroom level for best engaging all students, but with particular emphasis on disadvantaged students. The college’s professional learning programme has included a “Pupil Premium Toolkit” working group who have reflected research based strategies in their own practice.