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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Child Protection and Safeguarding


Safeguarding includes child protection, health care plans, health and safety, site security, safety on school trips, anti-bullying work and so much more! We believe in a healthy balance of risk for the young people we work with and our teaching includes designated PSHE lessons and tutorials that empower our pupils to make positive choices in their lives. Further to this, we are developing our Character Education and Student Leadership opportunities. We have an active Student Ambassador Scheme as well as a number of professionally trained Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Mental Health Ambassadors. We run a number of powerful and age-appropriate initiatives including the annual Bodykind Festival, Humanutopia and the Sixth Form ‘Big Think’ project. We are also incredibly fortunate to have a large team of school counsellors as a result of support from a number of local agencies including Caring Town Totnes.

Our PSHE and assembly programme also supports the promotion of British values of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. Young people through the college’s application of the behaviour principles also experience these values through the whole college community being ready for learning, respectful and safe.

We are extremely proud to be an Operation Encompass associated college. This ensures that the Police Safeguarding team report to us prior to the start of the next school day when a child or young person has experienced domestic abuse. Our Key Adult, the Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer has been trained to support young people and other members of the family affected by domestic abuse. The NSPCC estimates that around 1 in 5 children have been exposed to domestic abuse and Operation Encompass helps the college to remove any stigma or shame around this issue and extend help to all members of the family.

Our school site is carefully managed so that our young people can enjoy the wonderful natural environment we are situated in as well as being safe. Regular safety and maintenance checks are undertaken and we comply with Devon County Council’s Evolve safety assessments for activities off the school site.

At King Edward VI Community College Safeguarding and Child Protection are regarded as the single most important aspect of each person's role. If you have any concerns, we will take them seriously. If you feel that a young person is at risk, or is the subject of abuse, you should contact a member of the Safeguarding Team.

Please call the following number to speak to our Safeguarding Team01803 869200 and ask for Head of House or one of the following staff:

Sam Battershall - Deputy Principal and Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer

Helen Fraser - Deputy Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer

You can make an anonymous referral through our ‘whisper app’ accessed through the home page of this website by clicking the link ‘ Report an issue'.