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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Learning Support

Special Educational Needs and Disability

We are a fully inclusive college and proud of all of our students’ successes. Our aim is to give access to a high quality education for all students, regardless of their abilities and physical and emotional needs.

  1. KEVICC is a mixed ability, fully comprehensive secondary school. We cater for students with a wide variety of abilities, special learning requirements and disabilities.
  2. The SENCo has overall responsibility for the Special Educational Needs Policy at the college and the wellbeing and academic progress of SEND students.
  3. The Learning Support Coordinator has over-view of the day-to-day running of the Learning Support Department.
  4. We follow the DFE’s Code of Practice for special educational needs.
  5. The college, its grounds and the facilities therein are accessible to students who have physical disabilities.
  6. External agencies are consulted and expert advice is sought whenever it is considered to be appropriate.
  7. Learning support is made available across all aspects of the curriculum.
  8. Every year, we assess the needs of the cohort and adapt the curriculum accordingly.
  9. Subject specialist teachers and learning support staff work together in a co-operative approach when designing and delivering programmes of study for students experiencing learning difficulties.
  10. Students with learning difficulties normally spend their time working with their peers in mainstream class, helped by their class teacher or learning support assistant.
  11. Extraction from lessons will not normally be considered as an option at our college although we do have some bespoke provisions for students with learning needs.
  12. All staff at college have a responsibility to register any cause for concern they may have about a student’s learning needs with the SENCo. Student’s special educational needs may be identified by anyone involved with the student’s education, including their parents.
  13. The SENCo has responsibility for reviewing students’ statements of special educational needs annually, in conjunction with the Local Education Authorities.
  14. Faculties are responsible for providing appropriate materials for students of all ability levels.
  15. The pastoral Heads of House teams are responsible for the pastoral care and tutorial provision for all students.
  16. Devon’s Local Offer website is available through this link:
  17. Devon Information, Advice and Support for SEND (DIAS) can be accessed by following this link: