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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

Results 2018

GCSE Results

The overall progress figure for the college was 0.16, demonstrating that overall, students made above expected progress, achieving on average a quarter of a grade above what was expected based on their KS2 results. Some further headlines:

  • 69% of students achieved grades 9 to 4 in English and mathematics
  • 73% of students achieved grades 9 to 4 in English Language
  • 74% of students achieved grades 9 to 4 in English Literature
  • 72% of students achieved grades 9 to 4 in mathematics
  • 96% of students achieved grades 9 to 4 in Art
  • 83% of students achieved grades 9 to 4 in Biology
  • 79% of students achieved grades 9 to 4 in Computing

Sixth Form Results

King Edward VI Community College Staff and Students are celebrating Kennicott Sixth Form's 2018 results.

A large number of students have scored top grades with Shemaya Hurd-Thomas achieving a very well deserved A* in Maths and Psychology and grade A in Biology and Drama. Shemaya is heading to Cambridge University to study Psychology. Sophie Ives has achieved an A* grade in Sociology, grade A in Media Studies and English with an additional B in Maths in Context. Holly Bennet has an A* in Art and English and a B in Product Design. Shay Pomeroy has also done very well, achieving an A* in English, an A in Philosophy and a B in Maths and has accepted a place at the University of Manchester to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Jude Ray has a very well deserved A in Maths and Physics and a B in Chemistry and will be taking up a Masters Degree in Neuroscience at the University of Manchester. Megan Harrison has achieved A grades in all of her subjects; Art, Film Studies and English. Penny Davies has achieved an A in Philosophy, Media Studies, English and a B in Drama. Martha Williams has achieved an A* in Art and English and a C in Spanish. Joanna Quinsey has an A in Maths and Spanish and a grade B in Textiles.

We are exceptionally proud of all our students but especially those who have overcome situations of personal adversity to achieve in the top percentage range of students nationally.

As in previous years at the college the full range of A level and applied subjects have performed well. Spanish A Level students achieved 57% A*-B grades, 67% of our Art and English A Level students achieved A*-B grades. 70% of our Maths A Level students achieved A*-B. Geography A*-B is 75%

Applied learning courses have a 100% pass rate. Issy Leighton-Boyce has achieved Distinction, Distinction, Merit in Level 3 BTEC Art and Design and Jed Roberts has a Distinction* Distinction in Level 3 Sport.

Directors of Sixth Form Amy Withers and Alan Hartigan are delighted with this year's results; "Our students, their families and teachers have invested so much over the past two years. We are immensely proud of all of our students and wish them every success in their exciting futures."

Alan Salt, Principal would like to congratulate all students and staff for their hard work and efforts "These fully reformed post 16 qualifications are a great deal more challenging and our students' recent success shows the extent to which our college community has embraced the new courses. I am incredibly proud of the efforts of all our students; those who have achieved top grades as well as those who have fought hard for their pass grades. I wish them all well in their exciting futures and we look forward to hearing of their ongoing success."