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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College


Thank you

I just wanted to write a quick note to all staff to thank you for all the care and attention you have given our year 7’s during their settling in period at KEVICC.  Thanks to the relaxed and friendly atmosphere and the fantastic comms, our son has had a fantastic start to his secondary school years.  He was super nervous starting with you but thanks to everyone’s kindness, he has settled in extremely well and is thoroughly enjoying his time with you.
Mrs P
September 2021


Big thank you..

A big big thank you for welcoming my son in to your school. He has come home happy and talked about each day's lessons he's had and making new friends. It's such a delight to hear my son talk so much about school.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Ms C
September 2021


Thank you

I would just like to say thank you so much to the school and all the teachers for all you are doing - I can only imagine how hard it is to cope with the current restrictions and constantly changing requirements, and I am so happy that my girls are back in school, learning and having fun with their friends.
Ms J
October 2020


Year 7 Transition

Dear Alan, I just wanted to send you a quick email to say that I have been chatting to a large number of parents on the gate, whose children started with you this year in Year 7, and they have been singing the praises of the school and your staff.
Considering the challenges this year that you have faced, it is amazing how settled you and your team have made the children feel.
Thought I would pass on a bit of loveliness.
Best wishes Charlotte
(Head of Dartington Primary)
Sept 2020

Careers Fair 2020

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to congratulate you on your fantastic Careers Fair last night!
Both my son and I found it both informative and extremely beneficial regards making choices for his future.
Thank you for going that extra mile, giving up your own time, and offering our children the very best opportunities at what is a very important time in their young lives.
Please also pass on my gratitude to the rest of your team.
Mr O
January 2020


GCSE Choices Evening 2020

Dear Mr Salt, a very big THANK YOU to you and all your staff for a very informative briefing and a well presented choices evening.  
Best regards.
Mr G
January 2020

Thank you..

She is very fortunate to have the support of some great teachers (for which KEVICC should be proud). Mr Chilton and Ms Hansford in particular have been a great help both academically and pastorally .

Both Ms Hansford and Mr Chilton have been a great help to E, and we are more confident knowing they are both there to help, support & keep an eye on E while she finds her way through this difficult time at school, for which we are immensely grateful – teachers don’t always get the praise they deserve so we feel it is important to let you know their help is much appreciated.

Many thanks again for such a lovely letter – it confirmed what we already knew……we have an amazing daughter.

Kind regards
Mrs M
February 2020

To Mr Salt and Staff
We would just like to say a big and belated thank you for everything you did for our son while he was at KEVICC.  Your work is truly appreciated.
A Parent 
January 2020

Dear Carly
We thought we would drop you a line just to say thank you for always believing in C and helping  (sometimes nursing him through) the sixth form.  He had very high hopes and dreams that even we as parents, secretly thought may be unrealistic for him to achieve.

He has finally succeeded in this dream after a very long application process, and is now living it, working onboard Royal Caribbean Harmony of the Seas as Sports staff, living and working in the Caribbean, having the absolute time of his life doing what he always told us he would do.

We absolutely acknowledge that you had a very big part in this as you always offered him help and guidance, pushing him to achieve even when by his own admission he believed at the time he thought school was for socialising not working!  

We just really wanted to let you know that sometimes even the most challenging of students are capable if they put their mind to their dreams and if C’s story can influence other youngsters who don’t know what they want or where they are going then he will have given something back.  I know when he stops having quite so much fun as he is now he will reflect on everything and also realise how much influence you had on him and hopefully contact you himself.  

Once again thank you, it really does have an enormous effect on these kids when they are given the chance and you gave C many.

Kind Regards
Mr and Mrs C
October 2018


Dear Mr Salt
I thought I would just check with you if it is okay for me to deliver 200 cupcakes for your staff next Thursday (24th) to say thank you to everyone for making my son's time at KEVICC a fantastic educational experience. The staff have been so encouraging and committed and it does not matter how he does in the summer exams because seeing him become a confident young man that believes in himself is enough. Thank you everyone.
Mr and Mrs R
May 2018


Mr Chilton
My under-motivated, over-egoed, hormonal huffy teenage son is still singing your praises every morning…
  “I love Mr Chilton! He’s SOOO cool. He’s like one of us, but he can teach!”
     He’s ditched drama for media! What are you doing to my children??
Ms J


Dear Ms Hinchcliffe
Thank you for such a wonderful letter.To read such amazing comments about E’s performance, attitude and behaviour whilst at school is very heart-warming.