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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College


In order for students to make the best possible progress at school, it is essential that they have a good attendance record. At King Edward VI Community College attendance is closely monitored by the school’s Attendance Officer, Heads of House, and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. The school works closely with the Education Welfare Officer over issues of truancy and poor attendance. Please note that the school operates Legal Meetings and penalty fines procedures for cases of poor attendance in conjunction with Devon County Council. Parents will be notified by the school if a student’s attendance is below an acceptable level.

To access the Government's Statutory guidance for School Attendance: 

Parental Responsibility Measures please Click here

If your child has an unavoidable appointment during the school day, your child must bring a letter or appointment card which is to be taken to the Heads of House office or reception. Your child will sign out and back in upon return to school. Students will not be permitted to leave the site without a letter or appointment card. Where possible, we would ask that appointments be made out of school hours so your child’s learning is not disrupted, especially during the exam or assessment periods. Non-essential appointments will be unauthorised.

Absence during term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances and if permission is sought in advance. Please download and complete the S2 Absence request form at the bottom of this page if you wish to request an absence.


To report an absence please contact:


01803 869200 and select absence option by 8:30 am on each day of absence for safeguarding reasons.

Please state:

  • The name of the student
  • Tutor group (this is important as often two children with the same name)
  • Reason for absence.

When students return to school they must have an absence note to give to their form tutor, even if someone has already telephoned the school, because they are filed on the student’s attendance record.

The college is currently operating an automated calling home safety system.

If for any reason you do not call in or email student absences, the automated calling system will notify you of your child’s absence from the college. Please contact the Attendance Officer with the reason for your child’s absence.


Punctuality is monitored by the college and parents will be contacted if their child is not arriving in college on time. School starts at 8.50 am. All students are expected to be in college for this time. Persistent lateness will result in college sanctions. 

Attendance Policy