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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College


GCSE Choices 

Welcome to our GCSE Choices page. Here at KEVICC, everyone in Key Stage 4 studies the core pathway of subjects – which includes English, Maths, Science, Core PE and PSHE. During Year 9 you will start to decide which other subjects you would like to take on further at GCSE. You will need to decide:

  •  Which ‘guided choice’ subject you will study. Your guided choice subjects are: French, Spanish, Geography, History and Computer Science. You have to pick at least one of these, of course you may decide to do more than one.
  • The other three subjects you study are up to you to decide. These open choices include the Arts, Technology, Music and loads of others. Check them out in our GCSE Choices Booklet below: 


Choices Advice & Guidance

When making your subject choices, it’s important that you keep yourself at the centre of the decision making. Know Yourself. Will the course you decide to pick or the career path you aim to follow allow you to flourish and develop your skills?

Start to think beyond, about where you want to be in two years, four years, 10 years. For some of you this will be the first time you’ve ever done this. You may find it exciting, you may find it slightly daunting. Don’t worry we are here to support you in this. But thinking about your distant future really helps you to plan for now, and it’ll make deciding your subjects next year much more focused.

Its really important that you know your courses too. What do courses entail – components, exams, coursework etc. Be sure to check out our GCSE Choices Booklet. 

Try to pick a balanced set of subjects, across a range of disciplines to allow the full range of your skills to grow. Picking a range of subjects will also leave doors open to you further down the line.  

If you’re not sure what you want to study next year, let alone what you want to do as a career then don’t worry.

Our advice would be to keep your options open, keep an open mind and talk to people. Speak to your teachers, tutors, heads of house, parents etc.

Watch our videos on GCSE Choices at KEVICC and Options Advice






Finally, attached below is the link to our online Options Form, for those who wish to complete it online.

Options Form