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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

New, Modern, Dedicated Sixth Form Block​​​​​​​

As part of their long-term strategic plan, the Governing Body proposes to remove all the mobile classrooms on the main campus and develop the teaching spaces within the main blocks.  The aim is for all teaching to be in permanent accommodation which is fit for purpose and conducive to effective teaching and learning i.e. grouped in subjects to promote the sharing of resources and staff.  Whilst there is an initial cost for demolishing the mobile classrooms, in the long term it will reduce the College’s ongoing maintenance liability, and it will free up space around the site for additional social and recreational areas for pupils (an identified need in the College). 

To facilitate the removal of the mobiles and accommodate all teaching in permanent buildings the College has identified a need for two additional science laboratories, an art room, up to five general teaching spaces, as well as the re-provision of Sixth Form communal areas following the disposal of Redworth House.   

To address this some capital receipt will be used to fund the building of a brand-new purpose-built Sixth form block at the heart of the campus.  This block would provide dedicated communal, social, and study space for sixth form pupils, additional teaching spaces, and a large multi-functional space potentially for school and community use. It is an exciting opportunity to create a purpose-built Sixth form, promote the College as a competitive post 16 provider, and provide excellent facilities for all those who attend. 

The proposal is that the new Sixth Form Block will be constructed near the existing Ariel Building and the Reception of the Ariel Building will be reconfigured to provide a new Sixth Form access point. The Spatial Framework Design identifies the new Sixth Form areas in the plan below: 

  1. Ariel Suite reconfigured to provide new dedicated 6th form facilities with new entrance landscaping, new dedicated student entrance, new classrooms, and private external courtyard. 

Principal’s statement: 

“Although Redworth House is much loved by students it was not designed as an educational building, by creating a new dedicated 6th form space our students will be able to enjoy an area that is designed with the sixth form in mind and access the much-improved classroom spaces across the whole school site 

The building will also provide an excellent environment for all post-16 students who attend the college for the foreseeable future and will enable all students locally to attend a college with excellent facilities allowing them to best achieve their aims.”