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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College


Protocol for appointing non-elected Governors:

  1. Governors should be recruited for their skills so the governing board needs an up to date skills audit.
  2. Information about the governing board, including any vacancies and skills needed, will be posted on the College website.
  3. Vacancies on the governing board will also be advertised on SGOSS, in the local press and via social media.
  4. Opportunities for meeting governors and learning about the role of governor (for example at College events) will be advertised on the website.
  5. If someone is interested in being a governor he/she should contact the Clerk to Governors.
  6. If there is a vacancy on the governing board the Clerk will contact the Chair who will arrange a phone call or informal meeting with the prospective governor to outline the governor role, and the skills the governing board is currently looking for.  This is an opportunity for the potential candidate to say how they might meet the governing board’s needs. The governing board will be informed of anyone interested in being a prospective governor and may request further information.
  7. If there is no vacancy on the governing board, that person’s interest should be recorded and the Chair will still offer a phone call or informal meeting with the prospective governor. If the Chair deems that the skills of the prospective governor are needed by the governing board, the governing board shall be informed and may request further information. Recruitment as an associate governor for specific skills could be considered.
  8. The prospective governor will be invited to attend a Governing Board meeting as a visitor.
  9. If both prospective governor and the governing board agree, the new governor could be appointed to the governing board.