Leadership Opportunities
Key Stage 3
Young Leaders Award scheme: All students throughout KS3 lessons have opportunities to develop leadership skills with support and guidance from the teacher. All students are welcome to lead and volunteer in all extra-curricular activities with PE staff.
Key Stage 4
Students in Year 10 will have a leadership option each term that they can opt into during their core PE lessons. This leadership course will involve them working with our staff and local Primary schools within a wide range of sports such as multi skill, handball, netball, football and basketball. Students can also complete the FA accredited JFO award which requires them to commit to five evenings over the course of the year to officiate a primary schools football league.
Key Stage 5
Students in Kennicott will have an opportunity to follow the Level 2 Sports Leaders Award in Year 12, which offers numerous opportunities to work with the community and local schools alongside our staff. This is open to all students and takes place as an independent study accreditation. Students are welcome to lead and volunteer in all extra-curricular activities with PE staff.