Courier Summer 2015 - page 2

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Design, layout and editing:
Polly Morrow
Next issue:
Content Deadline
Friday 30 October 2015
The Courier
King Edward VI Community College
Ashburton Road
Totnes, Devon
Page 2
A word from the Principal
Our Student Editors
Here is our final Courier of the year – and
perhaps the variety of College life captured
here goes some way to explaining how it
doesn’t seem at all long ago that we were
starting the year back in September.
One thing that has particularly struck me from
this edition is the number of different groups
working together to make the experiences our
student have at KEVICC the absolute best.
Obviously we have all our dedicated staff,
teaching and non-teaching, and, of course, all
our students who work with us and each other
day-in, day-out. But, as well as this, we are so fortunate to be able to
call on others to enrich our students' education – the Governors, the
Parents’ Association, our Foundation Governors, the Old Totnesians,
Primary Schools, universities, the Rotary Club, local sports clubs,
authors, dancers, musicians, parents, community projects such as
Saturday Morning Music and SWIMBY – the list goes on and on.
Our thanks to all for your help to the College this year, and to more of
the same in the future!
Alan Salt
Here we are again, after a heavy, prolonged
winter - it's finally summer. I've discovered over
the past few years what summer really means
to me, which is a lot. With the sun comes a
certain sociability that just can't be achieved
by any other season – staying out late around
a fire; relaxing on the beach; swimming in the
river. KEVICC's Midsummer Live festival is a
prime example of the summertime spirit that
I live for - music, laughter and fun under the sunset. Bliss.
But, not only is summer a time of fun, it has also become a time
of decisions and new things for me. Once exams are over, the time
comes for not only relaxation, but reflection too. With the academic
year coming to a close, we start considering the year we're leaving
behind, and what our hopes might be for the coming one. And I don't
just speak in terms of academic success - it could be success amongst
friendships, creativity, travel, family, or even romance!
For me this year, it has meant researching universities, considering
where I want to go and what I want to study. For the first time in my
life, these new decisions are starting to become, although still equally
exciting, a bit scary. It's daunting to think of the mistakes I will
inevitably make, but it's helpful to focus on how important they are.
It may sound clichéd when I say not to be afraid of making mistakes
but, ultimately, without encountering these errors in life, we cannot
grow as people; therefore we cannot reach our full potential.
I write this the day after the Sixth Form Leavers’
Ball. This truly marks the end of my time at
KEVICC and this is where I leave you. I feel both
exalted with joy and genuinely saddened. I
hereby resign my post as Press Team Editor and
I leave my podium to a talented and promising
young lady, Martha Harris-Davey. Thank you for
reading my long-winded editorials.
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6 / 7
8 / 9
14 / 15
16 / 17
18 / 19
20 / 21 / 22
22 / 23
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33 / 34
A Word from the Principal
Student editorials
Student Achievement
Design and Technology
Geography / Wildwise
Foundation Art
Primary Sport
Creative Learning Day
Performing Arts
Sixth Form
Mary Lidstone Trust
Parents Association
Old Totnesians
Foundation Governors
Staff Leavers
Martha Harris-Davey year 12
Liam Heitman-Rice year 13
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