Courier Summer 2015 - page 12

Page 12
Ariel Gallery
an exhibition of
'Poems & Photographs
Where Land &Water Meet'
We were delighted to host
work from Candy Neubert,
Jane Spiro, John Daniel
and Michael Carter.
Year 7 students visited the
exhibition and wrote poems
in response to the work; later
meeting artist John Daniel in
the Gallery where their poems
were exhibited and judged.
Aerial Photography
Local amateur photographer, Dave Mitchell, gave an
informative talk to students from a range of years
about aerial photography, including showing how he
uses kites, poles and drones to take the photos. He
brought in interesting equipment, including rigs and
remote controls for the cameras on kites. The students
found the talk fascinating and fun! Olly Haring, an A2
Art student in year 13, said:
I was very inspired by
the talk and Mr Mitchell was unbelievably helpful in
providing support for the Personal Investigation part
of my course.
Tim Wightman, Team Leader of Art
February saw another really successful exhbition of artwork by KEVICC
students at Birdwood House, Totnes. Sixth Form students who stewarded
the show were delighted by the range, and amount, of positive feedback
they received from members of the public. People seemed genuinely
impressed by the high standard of work; variety of media and techniques
used – and the professional way that the exhbition had been hung. It is
always an absolute pleasure to showcase the work of our deeply talented
students and reminds the staff here of how lucky they are to work in a
place where their subject is so highly thought of!
Tim Wightman, Team Leader of Art
KEVICC @ Birdwood House 2015
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