Courier - Autumn 2014 - page 7

That’s the word on the street! Here are some pictures from our Science lessons to show you what we have been
getting up to in our first few weeks back in College. From Year 9 Issy and Teya are using cards to explore and explain
forces. It looks like magic, but it’s really all about the science! 9K have been making balancing toys to learn about
centre of gravity and mass. Making learning games is a great way to work together and check you really understand
a topic. Here are some of the creative science activities we designed, made and evaluated this term. Mrs Fennell
made it extra challenging by giving each group two mystery items which they had to include in their game. Look
out for the Ladybird and the Spoon!
In Year 10 it’s time to get serious about GCSEs, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun learning too. Here is some
work by Elin Eaton to show the story of Ignaz Semmelweiss and how the Immune systemworks. Top job Elin! In 10K
Biology we have been using the A-level microscopes to view our own blood cells. Arthur White and Francis Gunstone
made the best slides and we could all clearly see the different shaped red and white blood cells flowing around in
the plasma. It was really exciting to see our own cells so clearly.
Learning about science and how the world works is exciting and fun…. I wonder what we’ll be doing in the labs next
Kat Fennell
Subjects > Science
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