Courier - Autumn 2014 - page 14

Page 14
Subjects > Performing Arts
A group of Year 10 GCSE music students had
a chance to participate in an Indian music
workshop in the Ariel theatre on Monday 16
June. The workshop was run by Anup Kumar
Biswas, the Head of our international link
school – the Mathieson School of Music in
Kolkata, India.
Anup was touring the Southwest, and kindly
agreed to lead an Indian music workshop for
us. He brought with him fellowmusicians from
USA, Don and Kaye Boothman. This workshop
was based on material that the students
needed for their GCSE music listening exam
and the students had lots of fun learning
music ragas through a practical workshop
which was heavily based on improvisation.
Nicky Hansford
At the end of the Summer term, we were very
lucky to host a percussion workshop run by
Molly Lopresti, an alumnus of KEVICC and a
percussion finalist in the BBC Young Musician
from 2012. Molly is currently studying music
at Guildhall School of Music and Drama and
kindly agreed to host a concert and workshop
with another Guildhall School of Music and
Drama graduate, George English. Molly has
always been very passionate about inspiring
the next generation of students and is a role
model in proving that ‘you can do whatever
you put your mind to’. Year 10 and 11 GCSE
music students, plus some arts award students,
attended the workshop. It was very successful
and the students are keen to work with Molly
again in the future.
Nicky Hansford
Music students welcome visiting workshop leaders,
including former KEVICC student Molly Lopresti
We wished a fond farewell to Kate Mason at our summer concert this
Year, performing to our usual high standard and including a wide
variety of acts. The concert also saw an official handover of our beloved
KFC from Becky Cleave to Danny Cleave – most importantly through the
exchange of a piece of paper displaying the cake rota!
The programme consisted of high-quality soloists, particularly Hannah
Souch and Ciaran Cosway, who have grown in performance level
so much in the last Year. Our established ensembles, such as jazz
band, chamber orchestra, chamber choir and KFC, were of the usual
outstanding quality. We also offered music from our BTEC Year 10
group in the information corridor during the interval. The feedback
from parents was very positive and it was a great end to another busy
Year in the music department. It was a sad time saying goodbye to our
well-known leavers in music: Becky Cleave, Emma McElhinney, Katie
Oldham, Ciaran Cosway, Tom Allison and Libby Goult as well as the BTEC
DAPA students. We wish them all the best in the future and cannot wait
to hear about their adventures. Nicky Hansford, Team Leader of Music
Summer Concert
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