Courier Summer 2015 - page 35

Page 35
I would very much like to add my thoughts
about Chris Chisholm as I was fortunate to
work with him for sixteen years at KEVICC.
In particular, it is my thanks that I want
to express. I want to thank Chris for his
commitment to the College; he has given
above and beyond to ensure that students
not only get the best from their lessons,
but also that they develop into responsible
and caring people.
I want to thank Chris for all that he has
done for the staff team; his knowledge and
experience has helped us become better
teachers and leaders. I want to thank
Chris for being such a vital member of the
leadership team; Chris is a highly-skilled,
utterly reliable, hard-working professional,
totally dedicated to KEVICC for each of his
twenty-five years at the College and with
a sense of humour that brightens even the
darkest days.
So many students, staff and parents
know of all that he has given through
his teaching; sporting knowledge and
leadership. For all of this, and for the
support and guidance he gave me over the
years as a trusted colleague, my heartfelt
thanks go to Chris.
Kate Mason
The P.E. team will certainly not be the
same without 'Chis'; an ex-head of our
department, with a huge reputation within
the community sport network. He is the
topic of so many memories for current/
ex-students and staff, and will leave such
a legacy at KEVICC and in our community.
His presence was always immense and
he had many guises  –  Vice-Principal who
would always hold you to account; PE
teacher who would always have the best
interests of KEVICC at heart, especially
when refereeing; sarcastic member of
staff who would never let a mishap go
unnoticed, and caring and moral person
who always had your back. He was awarded
a lifetime achievement award for his work
with our Kennicott Football team at our
Sports Personality awards evening in 2014.
We will always remember his attempts at
fancy dress too!
On a personal note, Chris has been my line
manager for the past four years; he has
been my counsel through my two years as
a Head of Year, and my friend for the past
eleven years. He is someone who I admire,
respect and will greatly miss at KEVICC.
Carly Perring and the PE Team
Chris Chisholm
Chris getting his KEVICC Sports Personality
Lifetime Achievement Award in 2014
Dave Waistnidge
In 1976, two fresh-faced and eager
scientists arrived at KEVICC. Now retiring
after thirty-nine years of teaching
Chemistry, Dave Waistnidge quickly hit
his stride and soon established himself as
a science teacher par excellence, moving
on to take charge of A-level Chemistry
and Geology. In 1997, he narrowly missed
becoming Salters Chemistry Teacher of
the Year, finishing runner-up. Perhaps
this is how he managed to persuade Sir
Harry Kroto (Chemistry Nobel Laureate)
to visit the school and donate the Kroto
Award for excellence in A2 Chemistry
investigation? His passion for his subject
has never dimmed and today he is as keen
and committed as ever he was. There is
far more in Dave’s life, however – he was a
footballer of great skill; a skilled batsman
and wicket-keeper; a water polo player
and, of course, a skier. Dave managed the
Sixth Form ski trip for many years, along
with Alan Blake and the late Tony Dixon.
Oh yes, he also managed to slip in the
odd game of golf as well. AND, he was a
musician – playing the saxophone in the
staff band (and occasionally added vocals
to the mix). MORE?! He is also an actor! He
has appeared in musicals, Shakespeare
and straight plays. His forte, however, was
as pantomime dame. Quick of wit, and
sharp as a razor, no one escaped verbal
retribution if they heckled him!
Retirement beckons then and he joins me
at last in the ranks of the leisured classes.
After nearly forty years, we are still
colleagues and, more importantly, friends.
A long and happy retirement awaits you
and I hope that you enjoy it to the full.
John Roberts,
former KEVICC Head of Biology
David Troake joined KEVICC in 1991 as an
NQT. Based primarily in the Sixth Form, he
led and taught on a wide variety of A Level courses, including
his first love of Economics and Politics. David has been an
exemplary subject teacher, thriving on delivering his subject to
his students increativeand interestingways. Hehasworkedhard
with students to achieve excellent results across many years.
He worked magic with his students and always achieved a loyal
fan base, whom he has won over in each subsequent year with a
mixture of flinty dry humour and acerbic wit, judiciously used.
A particularly effective form tutor, with extensive knowledge
of the UCAS procedure, he has led on Oxbridge applications.
He set up the Year 7 Okehampton residential; the very first
of which drew headlines when the coach
went up in flames! He was responsible for
Activities Week for several years and led on Duke of Edinburgh
and outdoor education. He also set up and implemented the
successful IB programme in the Sixth Form. He is a stalwart of
a small Dartmoor community raising pigs, which have supplied
many staff BBQs over the years. He is a keen cyclist, swimmer
and runner; also currently training for his second Triathlon.
David is a colleague of great integrity and warmth, with the
ability to chuckle at human foibles and frailties; but always
ready to listen and advise. He has been playfully described as
a present day ‘polymath’ and his colleagues will certainly miss
his knowledge and wisdom. Victoria Manley,
Sociology teacher
David Troake
Staff Leavers
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