Courier Summer 2015 - page 29

Page 29
Sixth Form
Student Name: Irma Konovalova
When did you leave Kennicott Sixth Form?
I left Kennicott Sixth Form in June 2013.
Which subjects did you study at Kennicott?
I studied History, Psychology, Mathematics, English, Spanish, Biology
and Theory of Knowledge.
Did you enjoy your time at Kennicott?
I enjoyed my time at Kennicott very much. Even though there were a
few stressful moments – having to meet deadlines for the assignments;
sitting the exams. But, overall, the time spent in Kennicott was very good
and will always be remembered positively.
What was the best thing about Sixth Form?
I can’t rule out a single thing; the whole experience was very good.
What was the most important life lesson you learnt in Sixth Form?
Realising that everything matters in your life, even though at the time it
might seem like a very insignificant thing or occurrence. And never say:
Oh, it doesn’t matter, I will never need this in my life
– be attentive to
detail, and appreciate what you have.
Is there anything you miss about Kennicott?
The relaxed atmosphere, friendly staff and Totnes !
What have you been doing since leaving Kennicott?
I had a gap year after I left Kennicott, during which I was working as a health care assistant in the community;
then I moved to Bournemouth. Now I’m studying Psychology at Bournemouth University and I am still
working as a health care assistant in a nursing home.
If you could do it again, what would you change and why?
I wouldn’t change much, as I have achieved what I wanted. Maybe I would study a bit more and appreciate
every moment more.
What are your aspirations? What would you like to do in the future?
I would like to get a PhD in Psychology and work in the field of my interest (at the moment I find every field
of psychology interesting and fascinating); carry on educating myself; maybe do some work for a charitable
Is there anything else you wish to add?
I would like to emphasise what a brilliant place Kennicott is. I wouldn’t say that I had the same opinion when
I was a student there, but we tend not to appreciate what we’ve got, and always expect more and better.
Kennicott is situated in a beautiful location; the atmosphere at College is very relaxed: the staff members are
extremely friendly – always ready to help; to stay an extra hour after a long day. When I first came to England,
to Kennicott, my English was very basic and I struggled to sit through the lessons and understand the topics,
but thanks to the effort and patience of the teachers, my English has improved a lot and I have achieved very
good results. I will always be grateful to you for accepting me into your community and being such wonderful
and helpful people !!!
Thank you for completing this – please keep in touch! Tineke Ellis, Sixth FormManager, May 2015
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