Courier Summer 2015 - page 33

Page 33
Governor Profiles
Kate Wilson
In 2008 I became a parent governor, hoping
to be able to contribute something that
would make a difference.
Seven years after I was first elected, I have
learned so much, and I am now, since
reconstitution, a co-opted governor. These
are exciting times to be a governor at
KEVICC and I feel very positive about our
College’s future.
Richard Dennison
I have a background in corporate
communications and currently work for BT,
where I manage BT's intranet, supporting
90,000 employees in 170 countries. I have
lived just outside Totnes for eight years. I
cycle and run to keep fit in my spare time
and like to paint the occasional picture. My
son is in Year 9 and loves KEVICC, where he
is thriving.
Alan Salt
I come from an educational family and have
worked in schools in Bristol and Oxford. I
joined KEVICC in September 2014, having
moved to Totnes in 2012. I think we have a
wonderful opportunity at KEVICC to create
something really special – a comprehensive,
inclusive and co-operative college with
exceptional standards, rooted in its local
Patrick Bromley
A long-time member of the Governing
Body, first as a Parent Governor, later as a
Community and then Trust Governor; now
I'm appointed by the Local Authority.
I am passionate about encouraging all
students to reach their full potential by being
stretched academically, so that they will be
able to follow the careers that they choose.
Bethan Edwards
I became a Parent Governor in March 2014
when my son was in Year 7. I became a
Governor because I wanted to contribute
something to Totnes. Believing that the best
school is a good local school, I wanted to
play my part in ensuring that KEVICC is such
a school: serving the whole community and
attracting all children who live in Totnes.
Jane Collings
My boys all attended KEVICC from years 7 to
13 and thrived. For the past 12 years I have
been a community governor; now, since
reconstitution, I am a co-opted governor..
I am committed to inclusive education
and continue to contribute towards school
improvement, with the aim of ensuring
every student reaches their full potential
and gains the passion for life-long learning.
Roger Foord-Evans
I was educated at Totnes Grammar School
and my daughter's five children also
attended the successor College, KEVICC,
from where we all benefitted enormously.
My working experience was rich and varied.
Now retired, I have been lucky to maintain
direct contact with the Navy, social work
colleagues, art therapists, and with KEVICC
as a Governor.
Rachel Foot
I am a fully-fledged Totnesian, having been
born and raised in the town. I attended
KEVICC myself, and both my children are at
the College. I have worked within the SEN
department at KEVICC for eight years and
have a broad perspective on the workings
of a secondary school, from transition to
final examinations. The staff governor role
is interesting and rewarding.
Tim Friese-Greene
I have worked for forty years in the music
world: producing, arranging, conducting,
and writing. I have been a company director
for over three decades. I am a first-time
governor, and determined to help make
KEVICC the local comprehensive school that
every family in the community would want
their child to go to. Our youngest is currently
studying at Kennicott.
Julie Watson
I have been amember of a governing body for
over 12 years, both primary and secondary.
At one stage, I served on three governing
bodies. I live in Torbay.
Both our children have been educated at
KEVICC. The challenge of ensuring the
continuing retention of good staff and the
outstanding education of students is what
drives me to remain serving as a governor.
Carole Whitty
Now retired, I spent my career working
in Education. I loved working with young
people, and I taught in a wide variety of
schools, both urban and rural.
I was a Headteacher for fourteen years in
two state comprehensive schools. I joined
KEVICC Governors three years ago and I am
enjoying making links between the College
and its immediate area.
Meet our Governors!
On this page there is an extract from the
Governor Profiles that you can read in full
on the KEVICC website, including details
of their roles and responsibilities.
Follow the link in the 'Community' tab.
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