Courier Summer 2015 - page 27

Page 27
SAMMs is a great place for people who
want to play music and people who
already play an instrument. There are
a variety of groups; some of them are
folk, guitar group and choir.
After a session you can buy sweets
from the tuck shop. There are no
auditions, so come along and give it
a go. You don’t have to go alone so
bring your friends along and enjoy
Ben Summers, year 7
Saturday Morning Music (SaMMs)
happens at KEVICC in the Ariel Centre
most Saturday mornings in term time
between 9.30am and 12.30pm. Do find
out more about us, and then come along.
Our website is undergoing redevelopment
but you can find details of the courses
we are running this term, and more, at:
You can contact us for more details at:
The SaMMs Committee and Trustees
SaMM ~
Saturday Morning Music
Thank you so much to everyone who ate cakes and donated
to the Nepal Fundraiser just before the holidays. We raised
£67 for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal, which we are sure will
go to really good use over there. Thank you for your help
fundraising and for eating the cakes! Nick & Abi Rangecroft
Eco Council were invited to go
to Exeter to take part in an Eco
Summit in March. This was
really exciting, as we thought
that we would learn more about
the environment around us and
how to look after it. The topic
of this eco-summit was waste
disposal. We were put into teams
and together learned about
how many people take rubbish
for granted, and how many
resources that are used carry
many consequences. There was
also a competition held for the
most environmentally friendly
lunch. Amazingly, our school
won and we received a £100 prize
to put towards our co-operative.
It was a very enjoyable day and
we hope to come again next
Amy Allen Year 11
Eco Council Year 11 student
members Amy Allen, Tilly
Coulton, Ethan Merrington-Pink,
Karli Rose and Owen Trimming,
attended the annual Devon Waste
Summit at County Hall last term. During
a busy, fun-packed day, the students
got involved in various workshops and
talks, and had presentations from
visiting speakers and experts. The
students also participated in a Global
Trade Simulation game, and the team
not only won, but managed to generate
more than double their income, AND
generated the least waste of all the
teams involved!
Another key part of the day was a 'waste
free lunch' competition, where schools
had been challenged to bring their own
packed lunches that generated as little
waste as possible. Our students came
up with some very creative ideas to
eliminate packaging, and Neil Edwards
impressed the judges with a packed
lunch made entirely from handpicked
herbs and plants from the banks of the
River Dart. These efforts saw us win the
competition, and a cheque for £100 for
KEVICC, which will go towards further
recycling equipment and initiatives.
It was a very successful day which not
only linked to the students' work as
part of the Eco Council, but also covered
areas such as the environment, society,
sustainability, science, and citizenship.
Eco Council attend the
Devon Waste Summit
at County Hall
A glimpse of the Year11Prom
Proof that the last 5 years as their Intervention tutor
was worth all the blood, sweat and tears!!! The best
students and Prom ever!!! Thank you all so much.
I’ll miss you. Janie x
(Janie Glynn-Chivers)
It was an excellent day and we
were very proud of the students
who were great ambassadors
for KEVICC and were really
enthusiastic and engaged in all
the activities. We now hope to
take a group every year to this
important and very educational
Steve Sherwood
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