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Year 12 students will have the
amazing opportunity of attending the
fifty-ninth session of the Commis-
sion on the Status of Women (CSW)
at the United Nations Headquarters
in New York in March 2015. They will
be meeting other students from all
regions of the world attending the
CSW was established in 1946 as the
principal global intergovernmental
body exclusively dedicated to the
promotion of gender equality and the
empowerment of women. The confer-
ence will address current challenges
that affect achieving their aims at
national, regional and global levels.
Meanwhile, Ruby and Lily
are currently establish-
ing a Global Citizenship
Young Co-operative at
KEVICC for students in all years. They
hope to raise awareness of global and
environmental issues and conflicts,
such as Syria currently, by bringing
in speakers to sessions in the College.
They also intend to fund raise so
they can make trips, where possi-
ble, to inform their understanding
of problems facing the world. They
believe that helping other students
to a greater understanding of current
affairs will enhance each of them as
global citizens.
international dimension
global citizens
Ruby Sylvester Jeyes and Lily Watson
young co-operatives
Our new student co-operative – the Eco Council – aims
to improve our recycling opportunities and plan how
waste can be reduced at KEVICC.
Amy Allen, Chair of the Council, told us:
We care about
the environment and strongly wish to improve KEVICC
for the better. Recycling levels here are not as they could
be so we spoke to the local Council and they took an
audit of the school. We spent all day recording how
much rubbish we take to landfill and discussed various
action plans to improve this issue. The results showed
that we recycle only 19% of our waste.
Students who determinedly sorted through bag after
bag of waste include: Amy Allen, Josie Baker, Tilly
Coulton, Louis Guy, Tommy Hodgkins, Ryoji Hope,
Taran Houghton, Imogen Jones, EthanMerrington-Pink,
Rowan Roblyn, Oscar White and Hazel Woodcock, all in
year 10. Representatives from years 8 and 9 also visited
to observe the process and lend a hand.
Eco Council
College Administration Manager Steve Sherwood told
This great group of students are passionate about the
environment and how KEVICC can not only improve its re-
cycling, but also increase awareness about waste. The audit
showed that we could be recycling as much as 79%, so our
motivation for next year is to get as close to that target as
possible. I’m looking forward to working with the team to
implement all their great ideas.
Ideas put forward by the Council include dedicated recy-
cling stations, so that staff and students can recycle plas-
tics, paper and tetrapaks.
Amy Allen said:
As a Co-op, our ideas know no bounds and
we hope to move onto other Eco projects once our new recy-
cling scheme gets underway
. Science teacher Neil Edwards
It is terrific that students have had the vision
and commitment to address an increasing concern for
many members of the College, and have taken real steps
towards making some necessary changes needed if we are
to claim we
care for our environment and our future.
We will be letting you know much more about helping us
reduce waste, increase our recycling, and make a more
environmentally sustainable College. Keep an eye out for
more information – we need all of you to help us to make a
We are working closely with both S.H.D.C. and Resource
Futures, a local organisation aiming to help others
use resources efficiently and effectively, minimising
the impact of consumption on the environment. A big
thank you to Melissa Harvey and Alex Mack from Re-
source Futures who helped on the day.