subjects > modern foreign languages
Page 14
In March, a group of 36 KEVICC year 9
and 10 French Students went to Paris
for a 5 day trip, organised by the
KEVICC MFL department. During this
trip they visited many of the famous
landmarks of Paris, and even fitted in
a visit to a waterpark and a shopping
mall en route! They were a fantastic
group and a good time was had by
all. La Tour Eiffel, La Stade de France,
Le Sacré Cœur and Disneyland Paris
were all places we visited on the trip.
Here is an account of the trip by one
of the students:
The coach left at midnight. I don’t
think anyone had a proper sleep,
apart from Mr Trent, who claims he
can 'sleep anywhere'.
It was a really fantastic trip, full
of sunshine and laughter – and of
course, lots of practice of French!
It was somewhat hard practising
French, as the French are always keen
to practice their English. Nonetheless,
I think we all picked up some new
vocabulary, as well as developing our
French accent. Even if you can’t un-
derstand all the French being spoken
around you, just being immersed in
a language is a great thing. I think
it really puts into context how impor-
tant it is to learn languages. Locked
up in rural Devon, we tend to forget
that 94.6% of the world’s population
do not actually speak English as their
first language.
Facts and figures aside though, we
had a great time. Personally, the part
I enjoyed best was not the Eiffel Tower,
nor the Sacré Cœur; my favourite part
of the trip was just walking around
Paris. It is truly a beautiful city. The
architecture, and the atmosphere, are
simply fantastic.
A great trip was had by all.
Thomas Hodgkins 10YSR
I think I can safely say that we all had
the most delightful trip that Wednes-
day. Exeter University, with its beau-
tiful grounds and gardens, enchanted
us all. The sunny blue sky also helped
to sweeten our tour.
And I’m afraid I can’t forget to
mention as well our ‘hot’ guide – Ian –
who we deemed to be the hottest of all
the other tour guides. Gaping at Ian
and sunny gardens aside, the initial
purpose of the trip was to get an expe-
rience of life at University - especially
Year 10 MFL Day at Exeter University
In April a group of year 10 MFL
students attended a day at Exeter
University. This trip enabled them
to develop their language skills, and
to gain an insight into what it is like
to study at a Russell Group Univer-
sity. They also learnt about the Year
Abroad and the practicalities of Uni-
versity life.
Here is an account of the day by
Thomas Hodgkins, who is a Year 10
Dual Linguist, studying French and
Spanish at KEVICC.
the life of a languages student.
After the tour we had three intensive
languages lessons - with the teach-
ers from the university - who were
amazing. There were lessons availa-
ble for all three languages - Spanish,
French and German. It was really
interesting to have a lesson with
University Lecturers / Teachers. They
were great.
But where are my loyalties? Of course,
these ‘other’ teachers were hardly as
good as Miss Salter and Mrs Burman!