subjects > modern foreign languages
No puedo creer que os esté
diciendo adiós! Parece como
si fuera ayer cuando os
conocí por primera vez. Me
gustaría agradeceros estos
dos últimos años que hemos
estado en clase juntos.
Habeis sido maravillosos,
trabajadores, entusiastas y
sobretodo graciosisisimos.
De cada uno de vosotros me
llevo muy buenos recuerdos
y espero que tengáis mucha
suerte en el futuro; que seáis
lo que cada uno quiera ser,
y que sobretodo, no olvidéis
Adiós Amigos!
continuar praticando el es-
pañol. Gracias Becky Cleave
por tu inteligencia y por la
dulzura que tienes… eres
un bombón de niña! A Bea
Furre, por tu esfuerzo y entu-
siasmo por conseguir que los
tiempos verbales no puedan
contigo… eres una luchadora
nata! A Max Churchill por los
millones de preguntas que
me has hecho durante estos
ultimos años… eres genial! Y
a Freddie Garthford por sa-
carme de quicio cada dos por
tres… eres un caballo negro!
Que más os puedo decir… muchas gracias por las risas y hasta muy pronto. Besos.
Cristina Fernandez de Gorostiza
Becky Cleave Fred Garforth Cristina Fernandez Max Churchill
Cristina Fernandez bids farewell to her year 13 students in Spanish. She says: they are very passionate about Spanish and
being the only ones able to easily understand this article will make them feel good! It may also waken the curiosity of
some other students ~ some of themmay understand a few of the words and be interested enough to want to knowmore.
How's your Spanish?!
Berlin trip
Year 10 German students went to Berlin at the end of
March this year for a week. We stayed in a lovely hotel
situated in the very heart of Berlin, which meant that
there were a lot of activities on offer right on our doorstep
and students frequently ventured out to see Berlin lit up
at night and buy snacks from local shops.
We had a fun-filled week, packed with activities ranging
from visiting museums to discovering the history of
Germany and Berlin, and seeing the artwork on the
remaining sections of the Berlin Wall to tasting Berlin’s
famous Currywurst at the Currywurst Museum (yes, that’s
right, Berlin really does have a whole museum dedicated
to the curry sausage!), and watching the pygmy hippos
and primates at Berlin Zoo.
The trip not only allowed students to practice their lan-
guage skills and increase their cultural and historical
awareness but, perhaps most importantly, it allowed them
to spread their wings and really develop their independ-
ence and confidence in a new, unknown environment.
Big thanks to Mr Collings for driving the minibus and to Mr
Loader and Claudia Penz, the Foreign Language Assistant,
for accompanying me to Berlin. And, of course, massive
thanks to all the lovely year 10 students who came along.
We couldn’t have asked for better behaved, more respon-
sible or more enthusiastic participants!
A lovely time was had by all.
Lisa Neill
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